That report you linked to said this:
Furthermore, we can now see action from Western intelligence on revealing what happened; that Covid-19 was being weaponized in a laboratory in Wuhan, escaped from that laboratory by mistake, and then the fatal error and weaponized nature of the virus being covered up by China’s government.
The story she pitches sounds reasonable but it's without proof. Yes two or more researchers who work in that lab became ill. Yes, the source of the Coronavirus is almost certainly from bats living in the area. The part that is not substantiated is this:
Sources linked to the intelligence community assert that the COVID-19 virus arose naturally in bats, but was being worked on by Chinese intelligence in an effort to ‘weaponize’ the virus. This version of the virus is the one that escaped from the biowarfare laboratory in Wuhan, China, due to simple sloppiness of the scientists there.
To be skeptical is not the same as refuting what she said in the above quote. It's just that it two objectively established facts -- (1) two people who worked in a bioweapons lab near Wuhan became ill and (2) the coronavirus originated from bats in the area -- don't justify her conclusion. But she doesn't stop there. She goes over the top toward the end of the piece:
The only reasonable conclusion is that Xi wanted to infect and kill the West so that the economic catastrophe that was hitting China would be shared around the world.
I call bullshit. Not because she leaps to a conclusion without providing good evidence but because she takes a second leap by claiming to know what Xi is thinking -- her "reasonable" conclusion is inflammatory and therefore subject to higher standards of evidence than she provides.
Not saying I've made up my mind. Just skeptical. The "act of war" bit discredits the piece.