Lobster compost

All animals in the mustelid family are insane. Fisher cats, weasels, badgers, stoats, otters, etc. I live right next to a big swamp and we get tons of fisher cats. One of them killed my cat and the next week chewed through my chicken coop and killed all the hens. Next night I was smoking on my porch and I noticed the fucker was sitting at the bottom of the stairs staring at me with it's beady little eyes, probably sizing me up. My cats are now indoor only and the I rebuilt the coop like fort Knox.

We have fisher's here too but I've never seen one. Heard many stories though. Damn raccoon got my hens. They are actually pretty fucking aggressive. I have been in a fight with one a few times with a ski pole lol
We have fisher's here too but I've never seen one. Heard many stories though. Damn raccoon got my hens. They are actually pretty fucking aggressive. I have been in a fight with one a few times with a ski pole lol
Yeah they are crafty little bastards with their opposable thumbs. Smart too.
My grandpa use to trap animals for fur and sell the pelts as a side job. One night he found a "dead" raccoon on the side of the road. He threw it in the back of his truck planning on skinning it that night. When he opened the back and grabbed its tail it swung around and bit down on his hand. My mom saw the whole thing and said he was running around the yard trying to shake it off lol I still have some of his traps he used for trapping after he passed away. I really wanted to trap that fisher cat and put a bullet between his eyes but they are usually pretty rare around here and I wouldn't know what to do it with it anyways.
Just mixed up a pile of chopped oak leaves, fresh cut grass clippings, with some rabbit manure and comfrey in the middle. Trying to do a proper hot compost. If you get the carbon to nitrogen ratio right and turn it at the appropriate time, you can have ready compost in as little as 18 days. The pile is about 4x4x3. I'll update in a couple days if it starts ramping up in heat like it should.PXL_20210522_224341723.jpg
All animals in the mustelid family are insane. Fisher cats, weasels, badgers, stoats, otters, etc. I live right next to a big swamp and we get tons of fisher cats. One of them killed my cat and the next week chewed through my chicken coop and killed all the hens. Next night I was smoking on my porch and I noticed the fucker was sitting at the bottom of the stairs staring at me with it's beady little eyes, probably sizing me up. My cats are now indoor only and the I rebuilt the coop like fort Knox.
Do you have a fence around the coop? Just curious about how you'd prevent something from tunneling /digging under? Raccoons are damn smart, they could easily get under with those damn creepy pawhands. Like DW mentioned , they can be nasty. We have a nest ( crack up high in an old maple) right by the house. I think it's only used as a nursery though because I've only seen little ( tiny) ones up there. But proof theyre around which did have me worried if we ever wanted rabbits or chickens. Or would they just give up on the coop/hutch if I made it safe enough? I have a bunch of deer fencing at my disposal.

Btw, Fort Knox is such a cool place. I bet my first time there was almost 40 years ago. We didn't make it last summer but usually do every summer. It really is a marvel to walk. Took 25 years to build, mostly out of granite then never had a need for it. Whoops :eyesmoke:
Fright at the Fort during Halloween is a trip! My wife hates loud noises and the random canon bursts when you first walk in bugged her out lol. They do a great job turning that place haunted. There are creepy spots there in the daytime, whole other world seen in candlight and people in costume
Do you have a fence around the coop? Just curious about how you'd prevent something from tunneling /digging under? Raccoons are damn smart, they could easily get under with those damn creepy pawhands. Like DW mentioned , they can be nasty. We have a nest ( crack up high in an old maple) right by the house. I think it's only used as a nursery though because I've only seen little ( tiny) ones up there. But proof theyre around which did have me worried if we ever wanted rabbits or chickens. Or would they just give up on the coop/hutch if I made it safe enough? I have a bunch of deer fencing at my disposal.

Btw, Fort Knox is such a cool place. I bet my first time there was almost 40 years ago. We didn't make it last summer but usually do every summer. It really is a marvel to walk. Took 25 years to build, mostly out of granite then never had a need for it. Whoops :eyesmoke:
Fright at the Fort during Halloween is a trip! My wife hates loud noises and the random canon bursts when you first walk in bugged her out lol. They do a great job turning that place haunted. There are creepy spots there in the daytime, whole other world seen in candlight and people in costume
The fisher cat got in because I had some rotten lumber in a corner of the coop, chewed through it like candy. A good way to protect the perimeter of a chicken run is to run the fencing along the ground about 2ft out from every direction and staple it down with some big tent stakes, this will prevent it from being able to dig underneath it.
The fisher cat got in because I had some rotten lumber in a corner of the coop, chewed through it like candy. A good way to protect the perimeter of a chicken run is to run the fencing along the ground about 2ft out from every direction and staple it down with some big tent stakes, this will prevent it from being able to dig underneath it.

Exactly like a "J" it helps.
Ok, got it. I'd lose a little height, but i could afford to.
Just make sure you don't use cheap chicken wire. If an animal is determined it will chew right through that. My cousins lives in Kentucky near fort Knox. I was planning on visiting him last year but you know the whole covid thing. I'll make sure to make plans to go visit the fort and see what's up, sounds fun.
My cousins lives in Kentucky near fort Knox. I was planning on visiting him last year but you know the whole covid thing. I'll make sure to make plans to go visit the fort and see what's up, sounds fun.
Yeah, derp on the Fort Knox thing on my part. I automatically always think of the Maine onebongsmilie

Just make sure you don't use cheap chicken wire. If an animal is determined it will chew right through that.
Thanks for that. The deer fencing wont work then. I'll keep that in mind
Thanks for that. The deer fencing wont work then. I'll keep that in mind
This works for groundhogs, double thick at the bottom where they try to dig.
Had it in his mouth, biting and hopping up and down mad.
You should of seen how many attacks that took by a pack of hungry varmints for weeks, they got frustrated and moved to new spots.
Use the cheap stuff above it.
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All my cuts have rooted and i put the moms out in the flowering garden (away from any pollen) cuts are small, but size is not a concern as I'm only looking for seeds. They'll be put out today or tomorrow.

Usefuls blueberies and chocolate mom
A couple useful bag of oranges phenos. I'm mainly growing these out for some ice water hash this winter. Orange and blueberries terped temple balls would be :weed:

Garden shot