★ Atomic Squat ★

Last year's Rugged Man album was one of the best surprises. Thanks for turning me onto that. So dope.
its so hard to find new good rap. good thing all the people i grew up with were underground and still need the money lol
heres a good old one for you. im at my computer just letting youtube go on so im just posting good shit that comes on lol
turn up your speakers, wutang is for the children
Rich Man's World is one of my favorites. Technique has been a favorite of mine for YEARS. But he needs to drop a new album! I think The Martyr was his last and that was like 10 years ago!

FYI - Theruggedman said Technique is the one who actually gave him the idea for the title of that last album.

He's got a TON of great guest spots too.

Lowkey from the UK is sick with it also.