★ Atomic Squat ★


Well-Known Member
Satan makes the best music, none of thar choir shit in my house. God music sucks, truth! Metalhead for life! Punk not dead yet either! Saw misfits hoodie wearing punk yesterday, good choice! Like the old raw shit, garage days revisited. Even Megadeth went soft. Wtf! No good bands left, everybody od ed


Well-Known Member
Satan makes the best music, none of thar choir shit in my house. God music sucks, truth! Metalhead for life! Punk not dead yet either! Saw misfits hoodie wearing punk yesterday, good choice! Like the old raw shit, garage days revisited. Even Megadeth went soft. Wtf! No good bands left, everybody od ed
Satan plays a banjo.......if you hear banjo music run......if you don’t run your screwed. Gods voice has an unlimited amount of base .......so I think he is more into death metal than you realize.
Just random thoughts from a head banding punk rocker.


Well-Known Member
Even Megadeth went soft. Wtf! No good bands left, everybody od ed
We all got old.
My favorite bands were metallica megadeth slayer then Pantera amd a bunch of older punk.
Then the grunge scene happened. Some of my favorite music these days is grunge. Still listen to the above.
then bands like the Deftones, Chevelle. Still pumping out good tunes.
Still listen to the oldies though :-)