Chauvin Trial

It's okay for you think think that, its your opinion. However.... The opinion of some weed forum troll pedophile means very little to me. Thanks for the chat!
I think he exhibited intent
When he refused to let him up till he stopped breathing
It was worse than that.

At 6 minutes and change into it, a fellow officer told Chauvin that he couldn't find a pulse and he STILL wouldn't let him up.

What's more, when the EMS showed up and said Floyd wasn't breathing and they couldn't find a pulse, Chauvin STILL wouldn't let him up.

Chauvin kept his knee with all his weight on George Floyd's neck 6 minutes after he was dead; even after two people, a fellow officer and an EMS technician, had told him they couldn't find a pulse.

So, yeah. Fuck Chauvin. I hope he eventually winds up raped by a bunch of big black fellows the size of George Floyd for the next 25 years.
Lol. Welp, until fairly recently the folks kneeling on necks were all about weed being a drug. Many places it still is and you get treated the same way.

Given that you tossed the pedo insult out there not in reference to gym jordan, gonna just move on, not a conversation worth having.
Tucker Carlson laughs manically in George Floyd segment - New York Daily News (

Tucker Carlson cackles at, then cuts off an NYC law enforcement expert who breaks with the host’s Derek Chauvin narrative

Fox News host Tucker Carlson cackled at, then dismissed the opinions of a New York City law enforcement veteran who strayed from the far right-wing pundit’s narrative on Tuesday’s murder conviction of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
Carlson’s interview with Former New York City Deputy Sheriff Ed Gavin began with the host leading Gavin with the question “Who’s going to become a cop going forward, do you think?”

Gavin didn’t appear to see police officers as the victims in the killing of George Floyd, where video showed Chauvin kneeling on the victim’s neck for nearly 9½ minutes.
“Well, I think people will still become police officers,” Gavin said. “This really is a learning experience for everyone. Let’s face it, what we saw in that video was pure savagery.”
Carlson crunched his eyebrows as Gavin said that based on his experiences, the “emotionally disturbed” Floyd had been successfully contained — and more — during the “excessive” May 2020 traffic stop that cost him his life. Gavin also said he’d like to see more training for police.
“I’ve used force on literally over 500 people in my 21-year career in the New York City Department of Corrections, and in the New York City Sheriff’s Department,” Gavin said. “I’ve never had anybody go unconscious. That was truly an excessive, unjustified use of force.”

That cackle had a particular evilness to it. Tucker be mad. "I don't know, I'm just asking a question."
That cackle had a particular evilness to it. Tucker be mad. "I don't know, I'm just asking a question."
Tucker is heir to a fortune, daddy is very rich, Tucker was born with a silver spoon in his pie hole and lived the privileged life of the elite from prep school to where he is now. This is the populist rabble-rouser for the morons of America, he doesn't need the money, he's just a narcist and an amoral asshole. Many of his viewers barely have a pot to piss in and send any spare cash to Trump and he rips them off for the rest with a sleazy website. Fear and stupid drive these folks and they are impervious to facts or reason, unfortunately they also vote.
An easy choice, putting it on ignore. Vile or boring are my criteria and it hit both of those buttons. Congrats, ahole.
Tucker Carlson laughs manically in George Floyd segment - New York Daily News (

Tucker Carlson cackles at, then cuts off an NYC law enforcement expert who breaks with the host’s Derek Chauvin narrative

Fox News host Tucker Carlson cackled at, then dismissed the opinions of a New York City law enforcement veteran who strayed from the far right-wing pundit’s narrative on Tuesday’s murder conviction of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.
Carlson’s interview with Former New York City Deputy Sheriff Ed Gavin began with the host leading Gavin with the question “Who’s going to become a cop going forward, do you think?”

Gavin didn’t appear to see police officers as the victims in the killing of George Floyd, where video showed Chauvin kneeling on the victim’s neck for nearly 9½ minutes.
“Well, I think people will still become police officers,” Gavin said. “This really is a learning experience for everyone. Let’s face it, what we saw in that video was pure savagery.”
Carlson crunched his eyebrows as Gavin said that based on his experiences, the “emotionally disturbed” Floyd had been successfully contained — and more — during the “excessive” May 2020 traffic stop that cost him his life. Gavin also said he’d like to see more training for police.
“I’ve used force on literally over 500 people in my 21-year career in the New York City Department of Corrections, and in the New York City Sheriff’s Department,” Gavin said. “I’ve never had anybody go unconscious. That was truly an excessive, unjustified use of force.”

First time watching. Wow, Tucker lost it. Angry that an experienced and thoughtful leader of police officers would give a well reasoned counter to Tucker's claim that police can't enforce the law without occasionally murdering somebody.
First time watching. Wow, Tucker lost it. Angry that an experienced and thoughtful leader of police officers would give a well reasoned counter to Tucker's claim that police can't enforce the law without occasionally murdering somebody.

Sad though because it's likely some poor person lost their job over at Fox for not properly vetting the interview candidate to ensure they'd go along with the planned narrative. Carlson must have been pissed AF!
I kinda enjoyed being an outlaw

Brought people together and such, there was a common bond. It really is a bummer, you don't see many folks coming together from a diverse array of backgrounds to partake anymore, its just sorta like hitting the liquor store or brewing beer.
Sad though because it's likely some poor person lost their job over at Fox for not properly vetting the interview candidate to ensure they'd go along with the planned narrative. Carlson must have been pissed AF!
It's hard to say how much was just pandering to his angry audience or if he was for real angry. The thing is, whenever a person stirs up those kinds of hostile emotions, it takes a toll on them. Clouded mind, heart racing, fight or flight response and all that.

I don't know what it is but those kinds of people tend to go on to commit crimes like pedophilia and murder. Criminals is what they are. I mean, just look at Trump. A lifetime of playing the role and eventually, he became the criminal he always pretended he was.

Also, Carlson's eyes are too close together. Just like Gaetz. Its a sure sign of a deranged mind.