Matt Gaetz

Matt's misfortune has only been mentioned on Fox news just 7 times since the story broke, amazing, they never used to be so blatant. I suppose it is a sensitive topic for them with Matt being on their network all the time. I wonder if they will mention it when Trump goes down, perhaps when they try Donald and send him up the river, they won't say much either, except to say he's innocent?

Watch The Beat With Ari Melber Highlights
Here is a good interview, the Daily Beast reporter clearly believes they have Matt by the balls, he literally has the receipts, or copies of them.
Daily Beast: Gaetz Paid Accused Sex Trafficker, Who Then Venmo’d Teen

The Daily Beast reports in May 2018 Rep. Matt Gaetz sent the accused sex trafficker Joel Greenberg $900 on Venmo. The next morning, Greenberg used the same app to send three young women varying sums of money, totaling $900.
Apparently the Pompadour Pedo has partnered up with spin doctor Logan circle group .
I could have swore that was the entity that was supposed to eat a fucking shoe or dick or something , I forget.
Apparently the Pompadour Pedo has partnered up with spin doctor Logan circle group .
I could have swore that was the entity that was supposed to eat a fucking shoe or dick or something , I forget.
The dumb cunt needs a lawyer, not a PR firm, apparently they have him by the balls and he has many enemies in the GOP, Fox and Hannity are running away like he's on fire and about to explode! Matt is the warm up act for Trump, just like he used be at the rallies.
Matt's misfortune has only been mentioned on Fox news just 7 times since the story broke, amazing, they never used to be so blatant. I suppose it is a sensitive topic for them with Matt being on their network all the time. I wonder if they will mention it when Trump goes down, perhaps when they try Donald and send him up the river, they won't say much either, except to say he's innocent?

Watch The Beat With Ari Melber Highlights

Stop the Squeal!
See yer haiku, raise you a limerick.

There once was a boy from Florida
There hasn't been any stupida
He had a great big forehead
But it held a tiny brain in that giant head
If this was nature it would make you dead
Cause if you pay to fuck kids with Venmo
Your going to jail and gettin fucked in the butt ya prison ho.

....the only thing I know about limericks is that they start with a boy from a location and end with a moral lesson.