What did you accomplish today?

I'm telling ya try the citrus oil. Put it on very light and work with the grain. Keep fresh towels to take off as much of it as you can and after that you can just touch up with a dry towel (buff with the grain)
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Left is without. Right is goo gone. You can see on the right where I missed. You can also see handprints on the left.
Picked up some Pledge restoring oil (orange), looks much better.
Holy fucking whole house fans! Jesus fucking christ!
This mother fucker with a 20” duct
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has to go right up in right here
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I mean. I’ll handle it but god damn!

This mother fucker has me thinking about it’s use in a growroom where charcoal filters arent needed. Pimp ass model
Redneck 24'' with electric louver in our access hole turns the house over in about 5 minutes here. Wish I could turn it on when cold.

Looking really good.
Gotta put up these things up first thing tomorrow so i can get back on more important stuff. That and the whole house fan.. Sparky is coming out tuesday. I can totally be the sparky but i’m too busy
Good thing is pretty much all i have to get done after that.before insulation and drywall, is get the sprinkler dude in. Getting close to finishes :hump:
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Between that and my 5ton 16.5 seer ac. I should be good?

Damn you title 24 here in CA

Thats alright thow. Gotta do my part
Dude, that is so nice...I had never seen that style fan with the fan unit up in the attic. I want one!!

Well the caramel 'porn" is now cool. My big accomplishment today. I guess I have to go in a corner and enjoy it until something happens around here.

Good Friday to all.
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Man I want a bowl of that too...Instant diabetes, ,lol...but yummmm. OK a small bowl of ice cream and bed!!
Dude, that is so nice...I had never seen that style fan with the fan unit up in the attic. I want one!!

Man I want a bowl of that too...Instant diabetes, ,lol...but yummmm. OK a small bowl of ice cream and bed!!
One of a few unbreakable habits. Carnival midway candied caramel corn that taste like a Pay Day candy bar. Rabbit food most of the time. Blah.