What did you accomplish today?

And of course i finished lathing and trimming out the beams and columns yesterday morning. Can’t believe you doubted me. Dang!
Was on plumbing and electrical all day because i aint subbing that out. Got friends and family helping but gotta get it going.
Drove an hour away to find out the place did NOT have the only fire safe rated Vulcan vent soffit vents i need in stock after saying they did. Fuck me
easy peasy shit. Just like hanging all the shitrock which i can’t wait to do. Even with some fucked up sciatica shit still. Do the shit in my sleep:sleep:
Shit bro they’re doing some controlled burns around here or something. I can’t quite doing double takes all day lol.

Not saying that for you guys to feel sorry for me but i trip out when i see smoke. Even in almost april. Its fucking bullshit.

just seen a show last night about water conservation in the west. Boy are we fucked.
We are in a 20+ yr drought with not much precipitation and zero glaciers refilling our coffers for underground use. And more and more water being used. But one trippy thing was that this lady who studies this shit from tree rings found that in the 1100’s? I think it was, we had a 50yr long drought

The California native americans have stories of the years without winter and years without summer.....
The California native americans have stories of the years without winter and years without summer.....
I almost didn’t post what i did because it is facts like that that totally give climate change deniers fuel. Fucking stupid.

but boy oh boy wouldn’t it be nice to just accept mother nature to do it’s thing and not do shit about it. Just like jesus will take care of us its all gods plan. Thoughts and prayers.

end of rant
Fuck the space force. How about a federally funded outfit that will address the changing shit going on across our contry. Our defense department says climate change is our biggest threat.

Ok seriously. End of rant.

For now.

and this post doesn’t belong in politics. Just sayin.
I almost didn’t post what i did because it is facts like that that totally give climate change deniers fuel. Fucking stupid.

but boy oh boy wouldn’t it be nice to just accept mother nature to do it’s thing and not do shit about it. Just like jesus will take care of us its all gods plan. Thoughts and prayers.

end of rant
True true.

Should visit the Sault Loches and watch the foreign freighters pull football field size ziplocks of the Great Lakes water shed across the Atlantic.
I almost didn’t post what i did because it is facts like that that totally give climate change deniers fuel. Fucking stupid.

but boy oh boy wouldn’t it be nice to just accept mother nature to do it’s thing and not do shit about it. Just like jesus will take care of us its all gods plan. Thoughts and prayers.

end of rant
Mother Nature used to ravage central California valley before they built Shasta, Oroville, Folsom dams....Sacramento got totally flooded several times before that....
Mother Nature used to ravage central California valley before they built Shasta, Oroville, Folsom dams....Sacramento got totally flooded several times before that....
View attachment 4864621
trip that old sac is second story buldings.

but that’s because we used to have seasonal flood before they damned up the american :-( and the other rivers.

not so sure those seasonal flood would fuck up the 1850’s buildings in old sac nowadays though even without folsom
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Fuck the space force. How about a federally funded outfit that will address the changing shit going on across our contry. Our defense department says climate change is our biggest threat.

Ok seriously. End of rant.

For now.

and this post doesn’t belong in politics. Just sayin.
Along those lines, here is some good news. Industry is beginning to pay attention. The future starts small.

trip that old sac is second story buldings.

but that’s because we used to have seasonal flood before they damned up the american :-( and the other rivers.

not so sure those seasonal flood would fuck up the 1850’s buildings in old sac though
I thought it wa when people stopped being self sufficient and allowed corporations to dictate their best interest. OOPS. Not politcs. Facts.. LOL.
I sware to god i thought you were republican from the minimal time i’ve spent on the politics forum lately.

weird thing. “Conservatism” should include this.
For fucks sake. Republican administrations used to do something about it. Now, GOP is bought and paid for by cock bros/oil

Totally not political. Will not do it again. Please don’t say it was :-)
I stand alone until you stand against my natural world type. LOL. Honest wish for a realization of the dependence people live by. Sad. But a dumb red kneck alone in the woods too long once upon time. Peace and presevtion of the species.
I almost didn’t post what i did because it is facts like that that totally give climate change deniers fuel. Fucking stupid.

but boy oh boy wouldn’t it be nice to just accept mother nature to do it’s thing and not do shit about it. Just like jesus will take care of us its all gods plan. Thoughts and prayers.
end of rant
Climate change warnings are just a fantasy, none of them have ever come true (which is the definition of fantasy).
The glaciers haven't all melted, there's still ice at the poles, no populated island has ever sunk, New York isn't underwater.
But let's just imagine for one second it is all real, the only people stopping me installing solar panels is the electric company, I've sneaked in 5 panels (half my electricity bill), but if i put any more up, the electric company would cut off my supply because it affects their profits..

for the believers that want to 'spank' me, how many solar panels have you put up?
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Climate change warnings are just a fantasy, none of them have ever come true (which is the definition of fantasy).
The glaciers haven't all melted, there's still ice at the poles, no populated island has ever sunk, New York isn't underwater.
But let's just imagine for one second it is all real, the only people stopping me installing solar panels is the electric company, I've sneaked in 5 panels (half my electricity bill), but if i put any more up, the electric company would cut off my supply because it affects their profits..
in California all new homes built today must have solar panels....by law
in California all new homes built today must have solar panels....by law
So. As of now.
You have to be at least “solar ready”
But if you are only “solar ready” title 24 makes you add shit loads of other things to make the efficiency calculations. For now.
It’s fucking nuts. But thats ok. My shit is gonna be the most energy efficient house.

gonna be putting in 30 panels btw. I got lots of sun