
Leibel insurance seems to represent them.

1 (866) 484-8880
(780) 484-8880
(403) 910-1848
(416) 238-8338
Check my posts on this link, i just recently went through LMG which is one of the only companies that do med grow insurance.
Be prepared to be fucked in the ass excuse my language but thats what will happen, most likely 3-4x the cost of your current policy. Even tho weed is legal there is still a massive stigma with insurance companies. Most wont even insure you if you are growing 4 legal plants. I called my policy holder under another name and asked them and they just said we dont allow any cannabis plants with our policies. Too late now but you never ever mention cannabis to your insurer, its like a red flag that will go up and they will cancel your policy at the drop of a hat. So much for legalization
so crazy.
I get it 'never mention' but if anything happens and you make a claim they will void your insurance. honesty isn't the answer I guess. fuck fuck fuck! its annoying I tried to get answers and known would help me without 'knowing my policy' thanks for the info. ill follow up with LMG on Monday
Found this about Lloyds. Seems like it would maybe fit the bill. Unless they mention weed.

  • Open Perils Policy (HO-5) - covers residential homes from everything unless it's listed in the policy as an exclusion. HO5 is considered one of the best plans for a homeowner since the coverage is extensive and open peril for both structure and contents.
ill check this out Monday too. thanks