Well-Known Member
Well that's a good point and rather funny/stupid at the same time Green. Your correct. They don't that I know of they don't talk about wattage. But they specifically mention the legal grow limit of 4. Even if your licensed for more they will not cover you and drop you. FACT !
On the wattage subject if the fire or something else happens and during inspection your setup looks unsafe...BINGO.
If you read your fine print you'll find info about you altering or setting up unsafe electrical equipment. They got it all covered buddy. This isn't their first day at insuring homes. They do a few ya know. How many do you
None of us are insurance agents or adjuster that I know of.
Sorry bro but everything you've said is merely your wishful hopeful thinking and not actually reality or fact. It's what you want and expect to happen.
I told ya I talk to an agent this morning on this very subject. And one yesterday. They confirm all we said.
I also said " call your agent" or any agent. Don't even use you name. You get the same answer we're telling .
More than four...your out the door.
It would be great if you would actually offer proof instead of just talking down to me like I am some fucking moron.
Sorry bro but everything you have said is simply your thinking and hearsay .You have not offered even the slightest bit of reality or fact to back up what you are saying. Yet you state them as facts?
I know my policy very well and there is nothing in there that pertains to growing more then 4 plants. Or growing any plants for that matter. Or anything to do with growing what so ever. Electrical or otherwise. Now can I go wire in my own breakers and be covered? Of course not, but I most certainly can plug in an appliance ( which is all our gear is if it isn't DIY).
Also just because I didn't tell my company doesn't mean they were not asked by someone I know. When they were asked the response was, " As long as it is being done legally and not commercial and everything is up to code. If it is commercial then you will need commercial insurance"
SO again I am not here to fight with people. I was simply stating my experience.
For the record I would rather have a sister as a whore then a brother as a insurance broker.