Live Shows

I got into fights over this song back in grade school. Because of my name I got nicknamed Tweety Bird by some kids. They'd sing this song trying to make fun of me. Fly Robin Fly they would sing. I didn't like it and came after them with my fists. Good times. And no my name isn't Robin. :mrgreen: Think Blue Jay.
I fucking hate Covid! If I could get my hands on it I would beat it to death. I miss my concerts. Dammit.

They rescheduled the Steely Dan concert again until next year. It was scheduled for June. I completely understand why and I'm sure that bands want to get back out on the road. But packing stadiums with a bunch of screaming fans is not a good idea. I have 3 awesome seats. Front row first upper level at the Rose Garden. Nobody can stand up in front of me and block my view. And they're the first three seats from the aisle so just a short hop to the beer without crawling over people. I bought the tickets January 23 2020 and have until May 2nd to request a refund but I'm not giving up my seats. New date is May 20th 2022.

I guess youtube will have to do for now.

They're not the same since Walter passed away but they're still damn good.

