What did you accomplish today?

Almost got the lath wrapped up but had to fall back on some interior framing. My plasterer buddies are ready but i gotta get the inside ready for everything else :-(
I had zero time to frame the interior walls before the trusses HAD to be flung up there so paying the price now lol. Fucking covid.
Hoping to get the interior framing done and ready for inspection before i leave for the funeral down south on the 4th. Been hard with all the gardening but what can you do lol.
Flowering cycle begins the day you flip mother fuker
Looking back at the kitchen to the right, billiard room on the left
oh yeah! The god damn french doors finally arrived(on the left)Yay!!!!!!!
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Got all full of sawdust. The stuff is like grit on my skin and becomes irritating. Almost like I rolled around in fiberglass. But I got the the general shape down. Next I have to roll the edges and then do the bevels. This has not been the way to do this but when you start with not knowing where you are going acoustic or electric. Oh well, it will get done.

Looks great! Sounds like pushing past trusses when building walls is a pain in the ass!
Not ideal that’s for sure. But at least there’s no rain and weather to fuck up the studs. Lumber is garbage. I fucking hate wood.
Worst part is notching the exterior top plates where intersecting interior walls attach :-( not that big of a deal. Kinda fucked where there’s walls under vaulted ceiling to exterior, but they do let us use tie plates.
Not ideal that’s for sure. But at least there’s now rain and weather to fuck up the studs. Lumber is garbage. I fucking hate wood.
Worst part is notching the exterior top plates where intersecting interior walls attach :-( not that big of a deal. Kinda fucked where there’s walls under vaulted ceiling to exterior, but they do let us use tie plates.
Sounds like the sawzaw is getting some play time!