What did you accomplish today?

The power went out about an hour ago so I was able to test out my generator and plan.

The generator fired right up. I ran the extension cords, plugged everything in and then the power came back on in under an hour. At least I got to go through the drill for real. :mrgreen:

My plan is freezer, refrigerator, cable, computer, router chargers for devices. I have a kit I put together. It all worked out. The generator didn't give me any issues trying to start. It's just 3500 watts but plenty to power what I listed.

Most exciting thing for days.
awesome.....I have 2 dual fuel generators on the farm. I use propane because it will store forever. also easier/safer to haul propane tanks than gasoline....they have remote starters too which is convenient...
We've been seriously considering a natural gas generac - probably pull the trigger this summer.
I have 2 of these....they work very well i can recommend
We've got natural gas piped in to the house so I think that's what I'm gonna go with.
Beats packing gas or propane.
our farm is off grid we don't have that option. How much time do you think you will actually use your generator?...Generac natural gas genny's can get quite pricy. Unless you plan to use your generator a lot, a portable back up may be a cheaper.
I was gonna buy a big Generac and propane tank but I think were gonna invest in solar instead
We've been seriously considering a natural gas generac - probably pull the trigger this summer.

Mines just propane. But I have four of the five gallon containers. I got my generator for a few hundred bucks. It's nothing fancy but where I live the chances of the power being out for more than a day or two is pretty slim.

I'm thinking of getting a larger tank for propane and another generator. It would mainly be just for the stove, hot water heater, and backyard cooking equipment. Looking at a 250 gallon but a 500 isn't much more. It would be nice to have that fuel on hand if I needed it.

I have looked at the Generac though. In fact I've read pretty much everything on their website and then a significant amount of time looking at reviews, specs, etc... for a variety of different generators.

Then there's underground or overground tanks. It's something I haven't gone through yet but requires some serious consideration before making a decision and spending the money.

But it would be nice to have that source of fuel on hand. Who knows what the hell is going to happen in the future? It's best to be prepared.
our farm is off grid we don't have that option. How much time do you think you will actually use your generator?...Generac natural gas genny's can get quite pricy. Unless you plan to use your generator a lot, a portable back up may be a cheaper.
I was gonna buy a big Generac and propane tank but I think were gonna invest in solar instead

Won't use it much but having auto start & switching would make me feel more comfortable & we've got the funds so it's not that big of a deal.
Wind storms & Ice are the most prevalent natural disasters here & their not that common so I may very well never need it, however my folks had Hurricane Andrew's eye wall go right over them & they were without power for about 2 months.
Life without electricity for extended periods sucks.
Usually just need a few hours tops. Use some cheap UPS battery packs and a string of LED Christmas lights.
Then a couple propane space heaters, never gone longer than 7 hrs since all the linemen live on my road, fed from 3 sources at least.
Even if a 200kV line goes down, there's more lines to feed substations. That's why they all picked that part of grid to live on.
I just have a cheapo. But it works. It will keep me in enough power for my basic needs. If I lived somewhere that wasn't the first to get power restored after a weather event then I would have something that puts out more power. But in decades I've never gone more than a day without power.


Sounds easier than I thought!!

I had a thought. One friend of mine has been saving his leftover dry vape material, saying "I know there is a use for this stuff". And I bet he has a pound or more of it, probably a few pounds...they are heavy all day long vapors!! It seems like you could make cannabutter from it, and it's already been decarbed in the vaporizer. There's definitely some THC left, often quite a bit, when dry vaping, so why not? Anyone done it??
Have 3 oz of water cured ABV aka volcano dregs to make cannaoil in a pressure cooker.
Won't use it much but having auto start & switching would make me feel more comfortable & we've got the funds so it's not that big of a deal.
Wind storms & Ice are the most prevalent natural disasters here & their not that common so I may very well never need it, however my folks had Hurricane Andrew's eye wall go right over them & they were without power for about 2 months.
Life without electricity for extended periods sucks.

We lost it for about two weeks a few years ago. LOL tell kids to use only one set of silverware and dishes........I learned that winter, I can melt a lot of snow in a turkey fryer. I dug a outdoor kitchen into a snow pile with a couch and all. Those cheap solar led walkway lights that are like 2" round....the ones the top is the panel battery and the led that screws on a frosted defuser. I had put a bunch of those mounted on top of a corona glass bottle. They worked awesome and you could set them anywhere. I've done it before.....but before kids......that was a whole new level.
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Damn, my road is closed off...a house fire next door. I can't see it from here. The old guy is close to 90 I think :shock: Now it's eerily quiet and I have a bad feeling. The poor guy has been through so much and I was happy to see him outdoors a week ago. I better walk over...It's freakin' freezing too.
Made cannaoil with water cured ABV. One pound ABV results in 4 OZ water cured ABV.

Put ABV in nut milk bag
Put bag in 5 gallons water, soak over night, drain
Spread out on tray, cover with parchment paper
Dry in slow oven
Put water cured ABV in jar with 4:1 by weight ABV:MCT oil, screw on lid lightly
Put jar on trivet in a IP pressure cooker
Fill pressure cooker with water until level reaches half way up jar. Less water if jar floats
Pressure cook 40 minutes and quick release. Could tweak time and pressure as needed.
Pass oil through paper coffee filter

Usually, edibles have no effect on me. I take brain octane with my coffee daily. The canna was just a flavoUring until recently. Now I get some effects from the cannaoil that is quite enjoyable. It even has a ripple effect. I get high that last some time, come down and start to rush again hours later. I calculate dose at 1% THC. Note the lighter ABV since I vape at lower 190C temp for new batch. Could try this with trim and bud to increase potency.
We bought a 16kw Generac with automatic transfer switch at around $3200 2-3 years ago ( prices are up now, i did a quick google search) I dug the the trench and bought the underground conduit myself and my electrician hooked it all up for $300 cash. After the 250g (pig) propane tank was dropped off and filled it cost us around 4k. Well worth the price. We are on a well that requires 240 for the pump. That 16kw can power our whole house no problem. Every Saturday it comes on at noon to run itself. During power failure, we're in the dark for maybe 15 seconds before tge gen automatically transfers over.

I just have a cheapo. But it works. It will keep me in enough power for my basic needs. If I lived somewhere that wasn't the first to get power restored after a weather event then I would have something that puts out more power. But in decades I've never gone more than a day without power.

You're only going to get about half the gas outta that tank during cold weather fwiw. Propane wont flow if it's too cold much below the tank halfway mark. Not enough flow to power a genny anyways. The bigger tanks will help.
Damn, my road is closed off...a house fire next door. I can't see it from here. The old guy is close to 90 I think :shock: Now it's eerily quiet and I have a bad feeling. The poor guy has been through so much and I was happy to see him outdoors a week ago. I better walk over...It's freakin' freezing too.
The old guy, 86, his kitchen caught on fire tonight. Propane stove went up in flames. After the trucks left us neighbors were able to cut out the melted, damaged kitchen electric and get the power back on, and got the windows all closed back up. HEAVY soot and smoke damage. He went to stay elsewhere for a while!! My clothes stink just from being in there 30 minutes, and he wanted to sleep there. But he's going to his ex's I guess, and the main thing, he's OK!! It's actually not terrible except for the soot...I need to go change my clothes!
We bought a 16kw Generac with automatic transfer switch at around $3200 2-3 years ago ( prices are up now, i did a quick google search) I dug the the trench and bought the underground conduit myself and my electrician hooked it all up for $300 cash. After the 250g (pig) propane tank was dropped off and filled it cost us around 4k. Well worth the price. We are on a well that requires 240 for the pump. That 16kw can power our whole house no problem. Every Saturday it comes on at noon to run itself. During power failure, we're in the dark for maybe 15 seconds before tge gen automatically transfers over.

You're only going to get about half the gas outta that tank during cold weather fwiw. Propane wont flow if it's too cold much below the tank halfway mark. Not enough flow to power a genny anyways. The bigger tanks will help.

I used a chevy 350 exhaust to warm up the tank enough to get the gas to flow. Park the truck as close to the tank as you can.

-50 is no fun.
The old guy, 86, his kitchen caught on fire tonight. Propane stove went up in flames. After the trucks left us neighbors were able to cut out the melted, damaged kitchen electric and get the power back on, and got the windows all closed back up. HEAVY soot and smoke damage. He went to stay elsewhere for a while!! My clothes stink just from being in there 30 minutes, and he wanted to sleep there. But he's going to his ex's I guess, and the main thing, he's OK!! It's actually not terrible except for the soot...I need to go change my clothes!
Thank you for helping him. That was very kind.
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