What has Trump done to this country?

trump added over 8T in 4 years. moron. obama added 9 in 8 years.

where do you source your lack of information??
Soooo... 9 trillion dollars isn’t as bad since it’s over 8 years that’s fine that’s ok. And you wanna talk brain wash again. Big Picture here. All debt is debt. Smh moron he says.
Soooo... 9 trillion dollars isn’t as bad since it’s over 8 years that’s fine that’s ok. And you wanna talk brain wash again. Big Picture here. All debt is debt. Smh moron he says.
i'm just proving your moronic claims false. you said 'trump didn't put us trillions of dollars in debt". you suck.

your businesses must keep you busy all day huh?? cutting your parents lawn is not a businees, slugger.
so as a fellow business owner, how do you explain filing for bankruptcy 4 times? would that be a sign of a smart or dumb businessman?
When it benefits you to do so then yea that would make you a risk taker and a smart business man. That’s what separates the 98% from the 2%
And all we do is print money. Period that shit hasn’t changed and won’t change. Trump didn’t put us in trillions of dollars of debt. That has been accumulated. Accumulated is a big word I know but it means that the debt was built up over time. Hmm past president admins. Hmm

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80 iqs and owning businesses. Seems about right I guess we are closer than I thought
He owned names of businesses. Have you seen his bullshit?

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Shell companies over and over again.

The business that his daddy handed him went tits up and Trump lost it all.

Because he sucks at everything he does.