roots growing through the bottom of solo cups

Yes , way too much. 1/2 gallon is plenty. (unless your soil is too dry , then it may run all through the bottom of the pot) If you can get the pot to hold about 1/2 gallon or less then you are fine.....
ok cool thank you for the helpful advice.
if you look at the pictures i posted they are outgrowing the cup and roots are growing through the bottom. You don't think another week is too long?
Nope , that is just roots coming out the bottom.... it doesnt mean its fully rooted , that just means its enjoying life. 10 days tells you that it would be almost impossible to be fully rooted in that cup.
She is fine for another week or two.
You just had that solo on a wet spot. It was either sitting in a tray or it was sitting on top of its own moisture , causing the roots to come out in hunt for water. If the bottom of the solo was dry then the roots would of stayed inside the pot.
Roots coming out the bottom doesn't mean they're root bound. If you were to transplant those now, you'd just see a few roots around the sides, it's better to let them fill the cup out more, another week would be better.
Hey all, just a little trick I use to wet my seed-starting soil when the organics are so dry water runs straight through.

Mix your soil with water in a large bowl or in a pot with no holes in the bottom (you can even cover holes in the bottom with a piece of plastic wrap before putting in the dirt). Wooden spoons work great, but a stick will do the trick (or even your hands). Just do the water a bit at a time so it doesn't become soup or mud. When it's wet enough to start holding water, it's ready to go in your fabric (or whatever) and will hold water better without drama when you water the freshly sown seedling.

Make sure you clean everything before you use it so it doesn't get contaminated.