So i have no signs of mites but i have webs. And no house spiders are here ive searched and there is NO mites or fucked up leaves


Someone please tell me wtf is going on here i litterally have dealt with mites before and i see NONE


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i would stick with what these guys have alrready seen but in my case i have a bunch of little clearish white spiders that do that every once in awhile. scares me....i fuckin HATE mites and have fist fought them for many years...
do what you like. But I don't think saving a few bucks is worth it to me. But I usually have lots of backup plants.
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if it progresses then no , you dont want to smoke that but his issue is barely started , he can get rid of it and carry on. If that is mold then there is a very good chance you can kill it all before its time to chop. too much hard work going into the setup to just go out and buy some moldy weed from the streets that the mold has been washed off for looks.
if it progresses then no , you dont want to smoke that but his issue is barely started , he can get rid of it and carry on. If that is mold then there is a very good chance you can kill it all before its time to chop. too much hard work going into the setup to just go out and buy some moldy weed from the streets that the mold has been washed off for looks.
For me PM is treatable when it's just some light white splotches on leaves. Not full webbing on the buds.
It's all over the bud already.
do what you like. But I don't think saving a few bucks is worth it to me. But I usually have lots of backup plants.

I'd take that link with a big grain of salt:

Aspergillosis is not caused by powdery mildew. It's caused by the living spores of certain species of the Aspergillus family in those with weakened immune systems. Aspergillus live spores are everywhere. You may be inhaling some now. Even if it was something like Aspergillus niger (which powdery mildew isn't), burning it will destroy the spores making them unviable. I've seen no reports of allergies caused by powdery mildew before, nor can I find any right now. While consuming (eating) powdery mildew affected fruits and vegetables has no ill effect, it does make produce unsightly and affects yield. I tend to avoid any "sciency" scare claims on a website targeting cannabis growers in order to sell something. In this case the misinformation is meant to scare people into buying their air filtration systems.

Likely the biggest danger of consuming moldy cannabis is the possibility of mycotoxins in some species. Molds are fungi like mushrooms, and some can be toxic. The only way to know for sure is positive identification. The OP's mycelium doesn't look anything like powdery mildew, which is worse in a way because no one can tell what it really is from a photo. I wouldn't smoke or consume it unless I positively identified it and knew is was harmless.

So yeah, I wouldn't use it and that we agree on! ;)
I'd take that link with a big grain of salt:

Aspergillosis is not caused by powdery mildew. It's caused by the living spores of certain species of the Aspergillus family in those with weakened immune systems. Aspergillus live spores are everywhere. You're may be inhaling some now. Even if it was something like Aspergillus niger (which powdery mildew isn't), burning it will destroy the spores making them unviable. I've seen no reports of allergies caused by powdery mildew before, nor can I find any right now. While consuming (eating) powdery mildew affected fruits and vegetables has no ill effect, it does make produce unsightly and affects yield. I tend to avoid any "sciency" scare claims on a website targeting cannabis growers in order to sell something. In this case the misinformation is meant to scare people into buying their air filtration systems.

Likely the biggest danger of consuming moldy cannabis is the possibility of mycotoxins in some species. Molds are fungi like mushrooms, and some can be toxic. The only way to know for sure is positive identification. The OP's mycelium doesn't look anything like powdery mildew, which is worse in a way because no one can tell what it really is from a photo. I wouldn't smoke or consume it unless I positively identified it and knew is was harmless.

So yeah, I wouldn't use it and that we agree on! ;)
I don't disagree with what you've said. And maybe I was being lazy with the link. But I wouldn't smoke mouldy weed either way. And I wouldn't eat mouldy fruit. ‍♂️