Whats a good kelp foliar spray?

You can get a pound of OMRI certified Ferti-Organic water soluble Seaweed Extract 0-0-14 for $10.80 and a pound of OMRI certified water soluble Humic Acid for $12.00. Just mix with water and use.

This is good stuff similar to NPK Industries products. Most of their products end up costing like $0.02/gal to mix.
I haven't used it but this stuff looks good. I'm using one of their other products (root simulator) which also has kelp and have been happy with it:
I ended up buying a gallon of this stuff to try out, and it really is the cleanest kelp I've ever used and works great in my hydro system.
You can get a pound of OMRI certified Ferti-Organic water soluble Seaweed Extract 0-0-14 for $10.80 and a pound of OMRI certified water soluble Humic Acid for $12.00. Just mix with water and use.
Ya, I get mine from Build a Soil. It's still not bad even though there's a shortage right now. $20 for 3 lbs. and $60 for 10 lbs. So $5 a lb. or less.

But you can get $5 off through this link.
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Is it truly water soulable or does it fall out of solution in a res?

I haven't used it in a reservoir. I make my own kelp solutions from kelp meal I bought a 50 pound bag of for $50.

This is from their webpage.

"COMPATIBILITY: Soluble Seaweed Extract is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and commercial fertilizers. Some pH adjustments may be required for acidic mixtures. Add surfactants aer the product has been completely dissolved in the tank solution. Calcium mixtures should be thoroughly mixed with water prior to adding the calcium product. If interaction of chemicals is unknown, a compatibility test is recommended."
I haven't used it in a reservoir. I make my own kelp solutions from kelp meal I bought a 50 pound bag of for $50.

This is from their webpage.

"COMPATIBILITY: Soluble Seaweed Extract is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and commercial fertilizers. Some pH adjustments may be required for acidic mixtures. Add surfactants aer the product has been completely dissolved in the tank solution. Calcium mixtures should be thoroughly mixed with water prior to adding the calcium product. If interaction of chemicals is unknown, a compatibility test is recommended."
Can you still get it that cheap?
Back in the day I would just pull it off the beach and throw it in the compost pile, along with the buckets of coffee grounds, spent hops/grain from the brewery, and swept up alfalfa scraps from the local feed and seed. All just for the price of gas to drive my VW Bus around town to collect the goodies.
Back in the day I would just pull it off the beach and throw it in the compost pile, along with the buckets of coffee grounds, spent hops/grain from the brewery, and swept up alfalfa scraps from the local feed and seed. All just for the price of gas to drive my VW Bus around town to collect the goodies.
Damn Hippies, lol.
Back in the day I would just pull it off the beach and throw it in the compost pile, along with the buckets of coffee grounds, spent hops/grain from the brewery, and swept up alfalfa scraps from the local feed and seed. All just for the price of gas to drive my VW Bus around town to collect the goodies.
Yikes! I just checked and it's $15 shipping for 1 pound using the ground delivery option. Shipping costs have gotten crazy since covid.
I know, a lot of the prices on a bunch of grow stuff has gone crazy. $50 for a case of Mason jars anymore, WTF, lol?
Back in the day I would just pull it off the beach and throw it in the compost pile, along with the buckets of coffee grounds, spent hops/grain from the brewery, and swept up alfalfa scraps from the local feed and seed. All just for the price of gas to drive my VW Bus around town to collect the goodies.
I don't really have a problem with hippies at all, but I love NOFX. And as a punk I'm kinda supposed to hate hippies, lol.
LOL, you'll love this.. Good Riddance lived next to my parents for years. When they would go on tour, my parents would always say "good riddance"! They were cool with each other tho, my parents tolerated their band practice as long as they stopped by a certain time.
LOL, you'll love this.. Good Riddance lived next to my parents for years. When they would go on tour, my parents would always say "good riddance"! They were cool with each other tho, my parents tolerated their band practice as long as they stopped by a certain time.
Holy shit man. Ya, I saw them a few times too back them. I probably have a concert ticket or 2 with their name on it still. I kept all my concert, sports, and other tickets. Pics or it didn't happen. I saw Beavis and Butthead before anyone knew who they were. Before they were signed by MTV.

Holy shit man. Ya, I saw them a few times too back them. I probably have a concert ticket or 2 with their name on it still. I kept all my concert, sports, and other tickets. Pics or it didn't happen. I saw Beavis and Butthead before anyone knew who they were. Before they were signed by MTV.

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Nice, I remember that spike & mike festival too!

I stopped keeping most memorabilia a long time ago. I'm in the business, so have worked around 5000 live events (concerts, theater, ballet, etc) by this point. I do still have my personally signed Jimmy Cliff album however. I gave him a short ride in my VW bus too lol.