Pandemic 2020

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This is a anti vaxer. I honestly don’t hate her because of her political view and its clear people on both sides of these issues need care and understanding to get past the division pushed by politicians and media. This has been radicalized from both sides equally. I think she probably has good reasons for not trusting the system.
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Both sides troll.

I knew you couldent resist being special. Would ya feel better If I said you were right? Is that what ya need? That's cute and flattering but it wont fix what ails you. Your ego is massively invested in Division and the desire to be right above all else. Actually even if right you will hunt for a new adversary as you will never be satisfied, healed.

Good Luck
I knew you couldent resist being special. Would ya feel better If I said you were right? Is that what ya need? That's cute and flattering but it wont fix what ails you. Your ego is massively invested in Division and the desire to be right above all else. Actually even if right you will hunt for a new adversary as you will never be satisfied, healed.

Good Luck

Eat a bag of dicks troll.
I knew you couldent resist being special. Would ya feel better If I said you were right? Is that what ya need? That's cute and flattering but it wont fix what ails you. Your ego is massively invested in Division and the desire to be right above all else. Actually even if right you will hunt for a new adversary as you will never be satisfied, healed.

Good Luck
Id feel better if you understood that 'both sides' is disingenuous I geuss.

And even if you have to push that nonsense to get those dimes, you are telling your family at the very least to make sure that they are safe from the propaganda that trolls like yourself push. This shit is generating false cover for some very dangerous attacks on our citizens.

I don't want us to be divided. There is no reason for it, we need 100% of our population to have the ability to thrive for our societies to be able to do the best they can. That is why this is not a 'both sides' issue, only one party is still actively fighting that reality.

And they are conning a large portion of our citizens to keep them in power.
I would like to point out that at no point did I start this sharing of perspective with insults. This is imperative when addressing the important problem of vaccine acceptance. All perspectives and data should be shared and open. Honesty is also needed with out political garbage. Real people are being harmed and real lives being damaged. Instead of attacking and pointing you might see the value in knowing where the fear and complications come from.

If that was too much read your own insults and know they are projections.

Good Luck
I would like to point out that at no point did I start this sharing of perspective with insults. This is imperative when addressing the important problem of vaccine acceptance. All perspectives and data should be shared and open. Honesty is also needed with out political garbage. Real people are being harmed and real lives being damaged.
It insults our intelligence to spread the dangerous lies that is in the 'both sides' propaganda.

Which data? And "All perspectives" being shared is just bullshit. Nobody is stopping the quacks from saying what they want. But that doesn't mean that they have any actual credibility. The only political nonsense is when people do what you did and 'both sides' it like we should just ignore that only one side is actively pushing lies and propaganda.

Pointing this out is not insulting you.

Instead of attacking and pointing you might see the value in knowing where the fear and complications come from.
It comes form the fact that a dangerous virus is running rampant through our populations and foreign nations have militarized trolls to spread the nonsense you come here and push.

If that was too much read your own insults and know they are projections.
foreign nations have militarized trolls to spread the nonsense you come here and push.

Soooo, you have been co opted into a conspiracy theory that I am paid by or militarized by foreign governments??? WOW! Laughing out Loud. You sure are extra special. Gota love you though. Keep on keeping on.

Good luck, thanks for the laugh.
Soooo, you have been co opted into a conspiracy theory that I am paid by or militarized by foreign governments??? WOW! Laughing out Loud. You sure are extra special. Gota love you though. Keep on keeping on.

Good luck, thanks for the laugh.

How did you avoid indoctrination? Help your countrymen understand.
People who could care less about the people of any country are abusing this otherwise easy to manage situation and turning it into an attack on all things rational. I am so surprised that more people watching their neighbors suffer have not fought for reason vs cronyism. Large corps stay open while regular stores are slammed shut . 600.00 wont heal this mess and retroactive money wont fix the damage. Closing stores never helped. Retro money wont un rape a little girl.

I can wear a paper mask and pile into Costco in canada or the united states. If your little corner store is opened in many parts of the countries you are attacked. Even if I wear a mask and the numbers in your store are low your store is shut down. This does not help at all and builds fear and hysteria.

That also creates distrust and pushes people into crazy crazy ideas. Right now the damage from this forced lock-down is doing real damage to innocent people. Right now that damage is not stopping Covid. If they wanted to "stop" Covid they would have given you a different mask.
no conspiracy just common sense.

Forgot to mention Borat did not tell me to use common sense. Any one or group willing to harm children deserves death by rusty spoon, just my opinion.
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Sorry to break it to you, the earth is round like a ball.
That's a nice opinion; however I suggest you prove it. This is so you don’t get left out. Just take your phone with you and start running for-u-st. Maybe bring Charles with you so your make up is perfect the entire time. Remember it was the governments of the world that kept that round conspiracy theory crushed for a long long time. A nut job let the cat out of the bag and today we know the conspiracy of the planet being round to be a truth. So either you are wrong or you are wrong, win win situation.

Have fun with that.
The kern county boys were right and wrong about alot, cringe at times. However they were and are right about the miss use of lock downs and the formats used to manage this mess. They are continually right about the damage to children and families across many countries. Brutal and destructive overlords pissing on the lives of the "little people". It backfired at the capital ( takes two to tango) and it will backfire again. The people who suffer are the normal good people following the rules.

To be clear I use masks, I own the kind of mask that actually stops viruses and I use social distancing. I was alerted before most about the first mutations and bought equipment then. Real equipment, when everyone was told to not buy masks.

Good Luck
Soooo, you have been co opted into a conspiracy theory that I am paid by or militarized by foreign governments??? WOW! Laughing out Loud. You sure are extra special. Gota love you though. Keep on keeping on.

Good luck, thanks for the laugh.
So you push their manufactured lies for yourself?

That just makes you a useful idiot.

That's a nice opinion; however I suggest you prove it. This is so you don’t get left out. Just take your phone with you and start running for-u-st. Maybe bring Charles with you so your make up is perfect the entire time. Remember it was the governments of the world that kept that round conspiracy theory crushed for a long long time. A nut job let the cat out of the bag and today we know the conspiracy of the planet being round to be a truth. So either you are wrong or you are wrong, win win situation.

Have fun with that.
You are a flat earther?

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You are just a mess if you are not a paid troll.
Soooo, you have been co opted into a conspiracy theory that I am paid by or militarized by foreign governments??? WOW! Laughing out Loud. You sure are extra special. Gota love you though. Keep on keeping on.

Good luck, thanks for the laugh.
I thought about it.

If you are not a paid troll cat fishing us with the propaganda and trying to 'both sides' everything so that people get sick of defending against the big lies and the hate mongers behind your spam get to creep back into relevance, I am willing to have a conversation with you. And apologize to you for dismissing you as another paid troll.

So let's reset. I will take you for your word as what you say you are. But you need to be a real person and not just a personality that is identical to what a paid foreign troll would respond with.
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