.Smoke's Hempy Bucket Adventures


Well-Known Member
I'm really liking the comically large reflector for the veg tent. I think I'm starting to get the idea of how a bar style LED would shine on coverage, but no chance on me changing the 400w 6k MH.
There are 2 Gorilla Glues and a Girl Scout Cookies in the back, a Granddaddy Purple and Grapefruit Diesel in the middle, along with a Cannarado Birthday Funk and 2 different Glue crosses of my own in the front.
GGX= (Gorilla Glue x Blue Dream)
Cyan= (Green Crack x Glueberry= [Gorilla Glue x Blueberry] )
Flower tent is cruising along @ 600w with 2- Gelatos, a Granddaddy Purple and Glueberry.


Well-Known Member
Nice cycle you got going! I wish I could get into a rhythm like that but not enough space.
I have to harbor a mother plant to take clones if I want to do that since I don't have a separate veg tent.
Thats a great MH you got there for sure. What makes you so resistant to switching it out for LED?


Well-Known Member
Nice cycle you got going! I wish I could get into a rhythm like that but not enough space.
I have to harbor a mother plant to take clones if I want to do that since I don't have a separate veg tent.
Thats a great MH you got there for sure. What makes you so resistant to switching it out for LED?
Temps/cost/having to "learn to grow" with led.

My tents are in a 66F basement, so any electrical savings would be used trying to heat the tents up.

From my research, it would cost around $4,000 for me to replace my lights for my 4x4 and 4x8 and be "happy" with what I had.

And, I'm still trying to figure out how to get better at growing, so god knows I don't need to "switch things up" and make the move to LED.


Well-Known Member
Variety is the spice of life . smoke. You got a pretty kickass setup and a nice variety to choose from. I gotta get through this cycle and I'm gonna attempt a big mainlined plant. I messed this one up but it wasn't gonna be that big anyway. Let me ask you. Do you think I should start vegging that at the same time I flip to flower? Or a couple weeks after? I have another tent I can setup to dry in so I don't necessarily need to wait on drying.


Well-Known Member
I would wait a few weeks unless you want a huge plant.
If you veg for 4-6wks, most strains still won't be showing preflower. That means probably 2-3wks for the stretch, and at least 8+ more weeks for the plant to be "finished".
If you go off that logic like I do, you're looking @ a 10-12 week vegged plant.
Overkill IMO. 6-8wks veg can produce some large bushes with most strains in my experience.

I veg on average 4-6wks max no matter the strain.


Well-Known Member
I've been really focused on maximizing light/temp/rh in the tents lately. My basement is 66F and mid 30's RH. Great for flower, but not so for veg.
My fix was to make a makeshift humidifier/tub to raise RH, and recirculate about 80% of my exhaust back into the tent.
Temps stay @ 78F and RH is set @ 58%.
The plants are loving it. I didn't realize how much the cold was affecting their growth.

I'm running Jack's @ 1.0EC, but on my next refill I'm going to try using the Megacrop 2 part feed chart for Jack's. I've gone from underfed to burnt with Jack's dosing, so I'm trying to find a good middle ground.

I am happy to say the Cannarado Birthday Funk and both of my original crosses sprouted nicely and seem to be well.

I'm really excited about the crosses. It's my first try @ breeding, so I'm really hoping at least 1 is a female.


Well-Known Member
I've been really focused on maximizing light/temp/rh in the tents lately. My basement is 66F and mid 30's RH. Great for flower, but not so for veg.
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My fix was to make a makeshift humidifier/tub to raise RH, and recirculate about 80% of my exhaust back into the tent.
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Temps stay @ 78F and RH is set @ 58%.
The plants are loving it. I didn't realize how much the cold was affecting their growth.

I'm running Jack's @ 1.0EC, but on my next refill I'm going to try using the Megacrop 2 part feed chart for Jack's. I've gone from underfed to burnt with Jack's dosing, so I'm trying to find a good middle ground.

I am happy to say the Cannarado Birthday Funk and both of my original crosses sprouted nicely and seem to be well.

I'm really excited about the crosses. It's my "first" try @ breeding, so I'm really hoping at least 1 is a female.
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Temp, humidity and VPD are super important for sure!
I'm glad you thought of returning some exhaust for added heat and humidity.
If your really having such an issue, would you consider sealing the tent and running co2? You could get it up to 80° or better and have crazy growth


Well-Known Member
low temps are wreacking havoc on my perlite hempys, had to install a heater and veg with my mars instead of MH, big bummer.
I never realized how much growers can fight cold as much as heat untill I got LED and grew in the winter lol
Thankfully my 4x4 tent is in a small 12x12 sealed room. Without any light it sits around 67 but with residual heat from the day time it usually doesn't drop below 70.
I also utilize my CO2, my tent, and AC infinity to contain heat inside the 4x4 by setting the inline fan parameters at 83°f and 65% so they won't turn on unless it goes above that


Well-Known Member
I never realized how much growers can fight cold as much as heat untill I got LED and grew in the winter lol
Thankfully my 4x4 tent is in a small 12x12 sealed room. Without any light it sits around 67 but with residual heat from the day time it usually doesn't drop below 70.
I also utilize my CO2, my tent, and AC infinity to contain heat inside the 4x4 by setting the inline fan parameters at 83°f and 65% so they won't turn on unless it goes above that
yea my basement is unfinished and the past spring and summer grows the temps were totally fine, now I get -12 degree air coming into the cracks the basement sits around 44 without any heater. costing more to heat the veg tent then run the HIDS...meh


Well-Known Member
yea my basement is unfinished and the past spring and summer grows the temps were totally fine, now I get -12 degree air coming into the cracks the basement sits around 44 without any heater. costing more to heat the veg tent then run the HIDS...meh
Sounds like you need some construction updates!
My basement was built in 1880 and is still warmer than that and it was 5°f last night
To be fair I should add that only one of the four foundation walls in this room is exterior walls


Well-Known Member
You could also choose to buy a inline can controller to turn it on and off according to temp and humidity, that way it would actually be off until your tent rose to the preset parameters, then would kick on untill things come back in check
I have the controllers, but I'm using the fan to cool the tent and air cooled hood for the 400w mh, so the fan has to provide constant air movement.
Easiest solution was to allow a little fresh air into the mix.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need some construction updates!
My basement was built in 1880 and is still warmer than that and it was 5°f last night
To be fair I should add that only one of the four foundation walls in this room is exterior walls
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yea we stalled out , everyone got busy and the whole idea that we can drink a 6 pack and bang it out in one weekend turned into cutting a hole...and barely framing it...then they got Busy blah blah


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