I use about a tsp per gallon of mollasses (soil/7 gal smart pot/1000w HPS. I also add AN Carboloader. Should I stop? Can you overload sugar? What are the negatives of the mollasses?
I thought the Light Mix is a soilless medium. It lacks the buffering capacity of soil with clays in it.
I once mixed up 5 liters of Gen Hydro 3-part nutrient (veg ratio) and adjusted it to pH 6.5. Then I added a teaspoon of SuperThrive, which contains organics and fed a bacterial bloom. The mix went turbid, and pH crashed to 4.1.
For grins, I left the batch alone. The bacteria died and settled, and the pH recovered over several days to its original value.
Since your mix is low on buffers, adding sugars or other bacteria-feeding organics is liable to whipsaw your pH in the root zone.
If you repot or start another plant, I’d add some sort of clay (ewc are popular, but then you have to correct for their initial nute load) and some finely-powdered dolomite lime to the mix. Disclaimer: I’m not a soil grower, so if someone experienced offers different advice, I’d listen.