About to give up completely

They will its matter of time. Also u might want to look in to root enhancers during veg like rapid start or root exc. i tried bot and they both work. BUT not when plants are stressed.

Did you just dump those into the rez? I tried hormex and after i put that in the rez is almost when all the issues im having started. That shit jumped my ec up from 1 to 1.4 and shit went downhill fast.
Did you just dump those into the rez? I tried hormex and after i put that in the rez is almost when all the issues im having started. That shit jumped my ec up from 1 to 1.4 and shit went downhill fast.
Well i make my nutes in 100 gall tote let it sit for 24 hour but yes i usually use 50% of recommended dose and my ppm prob raise like 20-30. But rember rapid star is salt bese but roo exc silver has enzymes snd other live crap so u cant use bleach. So if ur on sterile side of things look in to gh rapid start. My 2 inch pipes cloged with roots by the end of grow cuz of that so i use them only in veg.
Well i make my nutes in 100 gall tote let it sit for 24 hour but yes i usually use 50% of recommended dose and my ppm prob raise like 20-30. But rember rapid star is salt bese but roo exc silver has enzymes snd other live crap so u cant use bleach. So if ur on sterile side of things look in to gh rapid start. My 2 inch pipes cloged with roots by the end of grow cuz of that so i use them only in veg.

Ill pick up some rapidstart tomm. Probably going to mix a new batch of nutes tomorrow as well and ill throw that in there. I do the same i mix 50gallons in 2 different barrels and use from there. I just cant believe these things are still raising my ppm and ec at such a low feed
Ill pick up some rapidstart tomm. Probably going to mix a new batch of nutes tomorrow as well and ill throw that in there. I do the same i mix 50gallons in 2 different barrels and use from there. I just cant believe these things are still raising my ppm and ec at such a low feed
Since im not familiar with ur nute line my recomendation will be add a+b (main) rapit start (if u want) and calmag make sure nothing is organic , go simple let them recover and whatever u running for sterile bleach , uc roots , athena cleanse
So if u added hromone to res that not good, u need hormone when clones dont have roots , when they have roots plants can create their own hormone

Well that right there is probably what screwed me then because that hormex is a b1 vira and hormone! I garuntee u thats what started this debacle im in
Back in here again for an hour looking for bugs and i dont see anything at all. Spotted some things that look like perfectly round clearbwater drops (possibly eggs) but they are clear clear and i mean perfectly round and i dont see a bug in sight moving. Going to spray with neem oil real good again at lights out EOD for the next week though just incase
Ok so i went and picked up florkleen and rapid start. Florakleen says to only run the system with it in there for 2-3 hours. Im assuming i can just put it in whats in there now let it run a cpl hours drain it and fill with new nutrient solution correct? If thats the case should i still mix it low like .25 EC or hit them with .7-.8 ec again?
Ok so i went and picked up florkleen and rapid start. Florakleen says to only run the system with it in there for 2-3 hours. Im assuming i can just put it in whats in there now let it run a cpl hours drain it and fill with new nutrient solution correct? If thats the case should i still mix it low like .25 EC or hit them with .7-.8 ec again?
Never used florakleen so dont know what is it for. Ill say start off low see how they react. U can always bump up ppm