Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

They have been at it every since all the right wing radio radicals declared it couldn't be deplorables
The fucked up thing is that they are technically not lying.

The same people rioting in all the protests over the summer are the ones that rioted in the capital. They just finally got to wear something other than black to blend in with the crowds.


These hate radio/tv/internet trolls are pushing the big lie.
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CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia’s acting prime minister on Tuesday defended his comments comparing the attack on the U.S. Capitol building with Black Lives Matter protests despite criticism from Indigenous and human rights groups.

Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, who is acting as the conservative government’s leader while Prime Minister Scott Morrison is on vacation, has come under widespread criticism since Monday, when he described last week’s insurrection on Capitol Hill that claimed five lives as “similar to those race riots that we saw around the country last year.”

McCormack, who leads the rural-based The Nationals junior coalition partners, used several television and radio interviews on Tuesday to reject calls for an apology over his comparison.

He said the Black Lives Matter protests last year had claimed 19 lives across the United States.

“Amnesty International and others — and I appreciate there are a lot of people out there who are being a bit bleeding-heart about this and who are confecting outrage — but they should know those lives matter too,” McCormack told reporters. “All lives matter. People shouldn’t have to go to a protest and lose their life.”

Amnesty International Australia’s Indigenous Rights Lead, Nolan Hunter, said McCormack was “continuing to show his ignorance about what Black Lives Matter means and how it affects our mob right here in Australia.”

“Ignorance of the issues that affect Indigenous people in Australia is why we are behind the rest of the world and lock up little children as young as 10 (and) why Indigenous children are 27 times more likely to end up in prison than their non-Indigenous peers,” Hunter said in a statement Tuesday.

“Instead of backing up President Trump, the acting prime minister should be backing up Indigenous people in his own country and take the lead in addressing these issues,” Hunter added.

The Aboriginal Legal Service of New South Wales state tweeted, “It’s a disappointment (to say the least) to see the Acting P.M. mischaracterise our fight for justice as ‘race riots.’”

“Our demand that Black lives be valued and defended against state-sanctioned violence is in no way comparable to attempts to violently overthrow an election,” it added.

Senior opposition lawmaker Chris Bowen also demanded that McCormack apologize for his comments.

“Those people around the world who engaged in peaceful protest in the Black Lives Matter movement deserve better than to have the acting ... prime minister compare their actions to the violence and thuggery that we saw at the U.S. Capitol last week,” Bowen told reporters. “Australians of color deserve to know their government thinks more of them than that.”

“To have the acting prime minister spout the words ‘all lives matter’ to diminish the Black Lives Matter movement was beyond disgusting,” he added.
Judge drops charges against 28 Black Lives Matter protesters in Detroit

The 36th District Court in Detroit dismissed charges against 28 protesters who were arrested during anti-police brutality demonstrations last year.

Judge Larry Williams Jr. tossed the cases after the city of Detroit failed to provide discovery of information, including the identities of arresting officers and body cam footage, that could be used during a trial
So who's standing up for the average hard working American White Man these days?...

I just dont understand how BLM can be a thing and everyone is supposed to respect and support it...but if someone mentions White Lives Matter they wanna publicly tar n feather them...why can't white people be proud of their race but African Americans can have an entire movement....why can there be all black colleges but let someone dare start an all white college....why can there be a BET(Black Entertainment Television) and it's ok but let someone try n start a WET(White Entertainment Television) channel and see how everyone reacts...

Its ridiculous

White Privilege??....yeah maybe for some spoiled rich kid who's been handed everything...but I dont see much white Privilege for the people around me...actually I see just the exact opposite...all the African Americans I work with are lazy and refuse to do their job and if you say anything to them or try n correct them they pull the "race card"...its been a running joke at my place of employment that if your an African American at this job you dont have to work you can just hang out all day n get paid...yeah we have some white guys who are lazy too but at my particular place of employment 100% of the African Americans refuse to do their job and dare you to fire them or say anything to them and walk around with a chip on their shoulder putting off the vibe "I'll be damned if any white man is gonna tell me what to do"...NEWSFLASH Buddy...your getting PAID.

White Privilege?...I'm white if you haven't guessed by now and I've actually been racially and sexually discriminated against bc I've applied for a job and was told that "yeah your more than welcome to apply sir...but we have 2spots to fill and to meet our requirements we must hire one more female and one more non white person"...and I'm neither

Unfortunately I've not always been a fine upstanding member of society...I've spent my share of time behind fences n walls and also in low income housing projects in cities up n down the east coast...I've spent my share of time around African Americans and if your white and you think they give a single flying fuck about you...your wrong...they dont...when your not around they laugh at you...and if you dont believe that your very naive...

Maybe you people live in a different probably do..but in my world and in my experience this is how things are
So who's standing up for the average hard working American White Man these days?...

I just dont understand how BLM can be a thing and everyone is supposed to respect and support it...but if someone mentions White Lives Matter they wanna publicly tar n feather them...why can't white people be proud of their race but African Americans can have an entire movement....why can there be all black colleges but let someone dare start an all white college....why can there be a BET(Black Entertainment Television) and it's ok but let someone try n start a WET(White Entertainment Television) channel and see how everyone reacts...

Its ridiculous

White Privilege??....yeah maybe for some spoiled rich kid who's been handed everything...but I dont see much white Privilege for the people around me...actually I see just the exact opposite...all the African Americans I work with are lazy and refuse to do their job and if you say anything to them or try n correct them they pull the "race card"...its been a running joke at my place of employment that if your an African American at this job you dont have to work you can just hang out all day n get paid...yeah we have some white guys who are lazy too but at my particular place of employment 100% of the African Americans refuse to do their job and dare you to fire them or say anything to them and walk around with a chip on their shoulder putting off the vibe "I'll be damned if any white man is gonna tell me what to do"...NEWSFLASH Buddy...your getting PAID.

White Privilege?...I'm white if you haven't guessed by now and I've actually been racially and sexually discriminated against bc I've applied for a job and was told that "yeah your more than welcome to apply sir...but we have 2spots to fill and to meet our requirements we must hire one more female and one more non white person"...and I'm neither

Unfortunately I've not always been a fine upstanding member of society...I've spent my share of time behind fences n walls and also in low income housing projects in cities up n down the east coast...I've spent my share of time around African Americans and if your white and you think they give a single flying fuck about you...your wrong...they dont...when your not around they laugh at you...and if you dont believe that your very naive...

Maybe you people live in a different probably do..but in my world and in my experience this is how things are
The world is really how you choose to see it. I’m sorry you choose to see it that way.
The world is really how you choose to see it. I’m sorry you choose to see it that way.
I dont choose to see it like that man...that's the world I live in...but I understand we all live in different environments so everyone has different experiences
Ulp! The Black Lives Matter in the thread title has triggered another one! :lol:

Doesn't trigger me...I've thought it was ridiculous from the 1st time I ever heard the words some years ago...I just think its stupid n I see straight thru it is all...when I see bullshit I call bullshit...I see what they're tryna do...unfortunately stupidity trumps Intelligence in this country so they're winning...that's what all this is about right...the BLM movement and the Biden campaign?...that they would bank on the stupid ppl falling for their bullshit?...well they were correct I'll give em that much
So who's standing up for the average hard working American White Man these days?...

I just dont understand how BLM can be a thing and everyone is supposed to respect and support it...but if someone mentions White Lives Matter they wanna publicly tar n feather them...why can't white people be proud of their race but African Americans can have an entire movement....why can there be all black colleges but let someone dare start an all white college....why can there be a BET(Black Entertainment Television) and it's ok but let someone try n start a WET(White Entertainment Television) channel and see how everyone reacts...

Its ridiculous

White Privilege??....yeah maybe for some spoiled rich kid who's been handed everything...but I dont see much white Privilege for the people around me...actually I see just the exact opposite...all the African Americans I work with are lazy and refuse to do their job and if you say anything to them or try n correct them they pull the "race card"...its been a running joke at my place of employment that if your an African American at this job you dont have to work you can just hang out all day n get paid...yeah we have some white guys who are lazy too but at my particular place of employment 100% of the African Americans refuse to do their job and dare you to fire them or say anything to them and walk around with a chip on their shoulder putting off the vibe "I'll be damned if any white man is gonna tell me what to do"...NEWSFLASH Buddy...your getting PAID.

White Privilege?...I'm white if you haven't guessed by now and I've actually been racially and sexually discriminated against bc I've applied for a job and was told that "yeah your more than welcome to apply sir...but we have 2spots to fill and to meet our requirements we must hire one more female and one more non white person"...and I'm neither

Unfortunately I've not always been a fine upstanding member of society...I've spent my share of time behind fences n walls and also in low income housing projects in cities up n down the east coast...I've spent my share of time around African Americans and if your white and you think they give a single flying fuck about you...your wrong...they dont...when your not around they laugh at you...and if you dont believe that your very naive...

Maybe you people live in a different probably do..but in my world and in my experience this is how things are
Triggered racist bitch
Doesn't trigger me...I've thought it was ridiculous from the 1st time I ever heard the words some years ago...I just think its stupid n I see straight thru it is all...when I see bullshit I call bullshit...I see what they're tryna do...unfortunately stupidity trumps Intelligence in this country so they're winning...that's what all this is about right...the BLM movement and the Biden campaign?...that they would bank on the stupid ppl falling for their bullshit?...well they were correct I'll give em that much
Maybe take a step back and say what am I missing that everyone else is seeing? If you look at it through biased/racist eyes sure that’s what you see.

The message they are trying to get out, that you (and others) are missing, is that they are equal. That’s all they want and personally I think they deserve it. The problem is most white people are so used to being in the spotlight, it hurts them to see someone else get it for a second.
Judge drops charges against 28 Black Lives Matter protesters in Detroit

The 36th District Court in Detroit dismissed charges against 28 protesters who were arrested during anti-police brutality demonstrations last year.

Judge Larry Williams Jr. tossed the cases after the city of Detroit failed to provide discovery of information, including the identities of arresting officers and body cam footage, that could be used during a trial
Are ya trying to make old Dank here shit a brick JJ! :lol:
So who's standing up for the average hard working American White Man these days?...

I just dont understand how BLM can be a thing and everyone is supposed to respect and support it...but if someone mentions White Lives Matter they wanna publicly tar n feather them...why can't white people be proud of their race but African Americans can have an entire movement....why can there be all black colleges but let someone dare start an all white college....why can there be a BET(Black Entertainment Television) and it's ok but let someone try n start a WET(White Entertainment Television) channel and see how everyone reacts...

Its ridiculous

White Privilege??....yeah maybe for some spoiled rich kid who's been handed everything...but I dont see much white Privilege for the people around me...actually I see just the exact opposite...all the African Americans I work with are lazy and refuse to do their job and if you say anything to them or try n correct them they pull the "race card"...its been a running joke at my place of employment that if your an African American at this job you dont have to work you can just hang out all day n get paid...yeah we have some white guys who are lazy too but at my particular place of employment 100% of the African Americans refuse to do their job and dare you to fire them or say anything to them and walk around with a chip on their shoulder putting off the vibe "I'll be damned if any white man is gonna tell me what to do"...NEWSFLASH Buddy...your getting PAID.

White Privilege?...I'm white if you haven't guessed by now and I've actually been racially and sexually discriminated against bc I've applied for a job and was told that "yeah your more than welcome to apply sir...but we have 2spots to fill and to meet our requirements we must hire one more female and one more non white person"...and I'm neither

Unfortunately I've not always been a fine upstanding member of society...I've spent my share of time behind fences n walls and also in low income housing projects in cities up n down the east coast...I've spent my share of time around African Americans and if your white and you think they give a single flying fuck about you...your wrong...they dont...when your not around they laugh at you...and if you dont believe that your very naive...

Maybe you people live in a different probably do..but in my world and in my experience this is how things are
a presidential pardon will cost you 2mil......
Giuliani associate told ex-CIA officer a Trump pardon would 'cost $2m’
Maybe take a step back and say what am I missing that everyone else is seeing? If you look at it through biased/racist eyes sure that’s what you see.

The message they are trying to get out, that you (and others) are missing, is that they are equal. That’s all they want and personally I think they deserve it. The problem is most white people are so used to being in the spotlight, it hurts them to see someone else get it for a second.
If they're equal then they shouldnt have a problem with all white colleges and a WET(white entertainment channel)
do you know any of these people?.....please contact the FBI
Gezz they all look white! I imagine the future domestic terrorist list will be white too for the most part. Why they will be just like Canadians soon, which are defined as unarmed Americans with healthcare! Only we can fly and still own some guns.

I dunno how many will be indicted over this shit, it's very well documented with video and cellphone data, social media posts and everything else the FBI gets when they clean out their houses. I can see two sets of treatment, one for those who were just on the grounds and those who went into the capital. If anybody organized directed or colluded in this they will be fucked too. There could be several GOP congress people caught up in this shit too and they will be expelled among other things. Thousands could go to jail over this shit and other things connected to Trump, congressmen and senators among them.