What did you accomplish today?

Not too bad. At this point I just feel a bit "off". Hard to explain. I still got a little congestion I suppose, and still can't taste/smell real great but they both are slowly returning. The whole illness was/is weird. Like I could feel my body had never encountered a coronavirus before. Thanks for asking.
That's such good news. How's the wife and cutie kiddo doing?
I have been using a saline spray to moisten my sinuses, it's cheap and no meds involved.
Yeah not sure what Flonase does have in it but when I had my sinuses looked at they said that they were super dry and irritated. I started using the stuff and within days I started feeling better. Now I use it when we first start running our furnace for a few weeks (old house) then usually again in the spring and fall for allergies. Not normally one to push products specially meds but I do feel this one is worth sharing. I've suffered extreme allergies most of my life and now I hardly think about them.