Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

How was Washington Rob, get any of the plunder at the sacking of the Capital?

I am not a Trumper or a fake Trumper like some of the agent provocateurs that were there.

Besides, it was hardly sacked. The cock roaches met there later that night to confirm the electoral fraud and strut about indignantly at the peasant uprising.
Glad i live in canada.
I am all about owning guns but assault rifles tannerite machine guns have no place in the general publics hands.
Please wear a mask Rob......it's a act of love for others

On the headrest of the passenger seat in my vehicle, I have a latex full headed sheep mask wearing a surgical "covid" mask. Gets alot of looks at stop lights and when passing people on the highway.

Sometimes if I have one of those extra scared dupes wearing a mask in their car, I point at them and then point at the sheep. I like to spread the love wherever I go!
On the headrest of the passenger seat in my vehicle, I have a latex full headed sheep mask wearing a surgical "covid" mask. Gets alot of looks at stop lights and when passing people on the highway.

Sometimes if I have one of those extra scared dupes wearing a mask in their car, I point at them and then point at the sheep. I like to spread the love wherever I go!
yeah i though so.... :roll:
These guys have true machine guns. This is my gun store actually, lol. I haven't went on a tour yet, but it would be fun as hell.

And these guns aren't the ones in the wrong hands. They have to get a special permit and register with the ATF. The background checks are way more intense. Name one person that's used a machine gun registered with the ATF to kill anyone recently. That's what I thought.

I like to know I can eat if all goes to pot. Enjoy some can tumbling. Beyond that I'm scared. LOL.
I'm all for better background checks, and to keep the guns out of the hands of people with mental issues. I also think gun shows are a bad idea. But I shouldn't have to suffer for other people's stupid mistakes. I'm a responsible gun owner. Some people definitely shouldn't have guns though.