Only fair to share

I just joined the forum because I thought it was only fair to share my story of recently beating cancer using RSO(Rick Simpson Oil)
One year ago I was having a basic medical check up because I had passed 40 and never had one and during an ultrasound the doctors discovered 9 pretty solid tumours around my stomach and one in my sternum(about the size of a golf ball), I had no symptoms so you can imagine how surprised I was.
This was right at the start of covid so hospitals were the last place I wanted to be. I am not a resident where I live also so getting a biopsy and proper medical treatment was tough to say the least. The oncologist was almost certain it was non-hodgkins lymphoma as my father had that... Long story short I did a full 180 with my life stopped drinking, gave up meat and dairy, daily yoga, meditation etc etc and started daily on the RSO 3 x a day.. I am a daily smoker but damn it knocked me on my ass at first, 70% THC will do that I guess. I also incorporated some micro-dosing of psilocybin.
After about 10 months of self treatment I went to have more scans and to the doctors disbelief I was tumour free. So 2020 wasn't all bad! After recieving the good news I got engaged to the mother of my daughter and woman of my dreams which ended the year nicely:).
If anyone is dealing with cancer or has a family member affected please feel free to reach out.
I popped my first bag seed in 93' and have been around the 'plant'(I don't like the word industry) for almost 30 years in places such as New Zealand, Australia, Vancouver/Van island, Denmark, Amsterdam, NorCal/Trinity County, Spain, Morrocco and I now reside just south of Mexico and and a little north of Colombia;) So I look forward to chatting to my fellow growers.
I just harvested my outdoor girls on the 1st of Jan 2021 so we are off to a good start to the year so far.

Fatty aka Ian Terpie✌
Great news and welcome to RIU!

My wife was diagnosed with liver tumours a couple years ago and I got her going with RSO right away. The scan she had a year ago showed that the main tumour had shrunk and some of the smaller ones had disappeared so hopefully the next scan in March will show her clear too. Another benefit was her recent test for glaucoma shows that her eyeball pressure is back in the normal range so she won't be going blind in the near future.

She hasn't had a biopsy. They tried but couldn't see well enough to do it and as the largest tumour is right next to the large vein to the liver they were concerned about hitting that and she could die before they could open her up and stop the bleeding. As she has SS rods in her back from scoliosis she can't have an MRI so it's enhanced CAT scans and ultrasound only.

She hasn't been taking enough RSO IMO so if the next scan doesn't show more improvement I'll strongly urge her get into doing a lot more. She doesn't use pot in any other way and hasn't for over 10 years.

Good luck with the rest of your new life!

I just joined the forum because I thought it was only fair to share my story of recently beating cancer using RSO(Rick Simpson Oil)
One year ago I was having a basic medical check up because I had passed 40 and never had one and during an ultrasound the doctors discovered 9 pretty solid tumours around my stomach and one in my sternum(about the size of a golf ball), I had no symptoms so you can imagine how surprised I was.
This was right at the start of covid so hospitals were the last place I wanted to be. I am not a resident where I live also so getting a biopsy and proper medical treatment was tough to say the least. The oncologist was almost certain it was non-hodgkins lymphoma as my father had that... Long story short I did a full 180 with my life stopped drinking, gave up meat and dairy, daily yoga, meditation etc etc and started daily on the RSO 3 x a day.. I am a daily smoker but damn it knocked me on my ass at first, 70% THC will do that I guess. I also incorporated some micro-dosing of psilocybin.
After about 10 months of self treatment I went to have more scans and to the doctors disbelief I was tumour free. So 2020 wasn't all bad! After recieving the good news I got engaged to the mother of my daughter and woman of my dreams which ended the year nicely:).
If anyone is dealing with cancer or has a family member affected please feel free to reach out.
I popped my first bag seed in 93' and have been around the 'plant'(I don't like the word industry) for almost 30 years in places such as New Zealand, Australia, Vancouver/Van island, Denmark, Amsterdam, NorCal/Trinity County, Spain, Morrocco and I now reside just south of Mexico and and a little north of Colombia;) So I look forward to chatting to my fellow growers.
I just harvested my outdoor girls on the 1st of Jan 2021 so we are off to a good start to the year so far.

Fatty aka Ian Terpie✌
Welcome to RIU. Congratulations on your recovery and marriage.
Great news and welcome to RIU!

My wife was diagnosed with liver tumours a couple years ago and I got her going with RSO right away. The scan she had a year ago showed that the main tumour had shrunk and some of the smaller ones had disappeared so hopefully the next scan in March will show her clear too. Another benefit was her recent test for glaucoma shows that her eyeball pressure is back in the normal range so she won't be going blind in the near future.

She hasn't had a biopsy. They tried but couldn't see well enough to do it and as the largest tumour is right next to the large vein to the liver they were concerned about hitting that and she could die before they could open her up and stop the bleeding. As she has SS rods in her back from scoliosis she can't have an MRI so it's enhanced CAT scans and ultrasound only.

She hasn't been taking enough RSO IMO so if the next scan doesn't show more improvement I'll strongly urge her get into doing a lot more. She doesn't use pot in any other way and hasn't for over 10 years.

Good luck with the rest of your new life!


Thank you for the kind words. I am sorry to hear about your wife's health issues. My advice is try to stick to the dosage Rick Simpson recommends which is 60 grams over a 90 day period, it is a lot to handle and even as someone who consumes a lot of flower it took me weeks to adjust to the levels plus the idea is to build up the tolerance so start small and work her way up. I did 2 x 90 day sessions.
I have some other holistic treatments I highly recommend for her: one is drinking aloe arborescens(part of the aloe vera family). There's a recipe on YouTube and has had cured cancer. Another one and this will sound pretty wild but a liver cleanse through doing a coffee enema, I did it daily over 6 weeks and after 4 weeks all the toxins 'dumped' from my liver.. It was life changing.
Let me know if she has any questions. Tell her to stay positive and to truly believe in plant based medicine. Good luck guys
Thank you for the kind words. I am sorry to hear about your wife's health issues. My advice is try to stick to the dosage Rick Simpson recommends which is 60 grams over a 90 day period, it is a lot to handle and even as someone who consumes a lot of flower it took me weeks to adjust to the levels plus the idea is to build up the tolerance so start small and work her way up. I did 2 x 90 day sessions.
I have some other holistic treatments I highly recommend for her: one is drinking aloe arborescens(part of the aloe vera family). There's a recipe on YouTube and has had cured cancer. Another one and this will sound pretty wild but a liver cleanse through doing a coffee enema, I did it daily over 6 weeks and after 4 weeks all the toxins 'dumped' from my liver.. It was life changing.
Let me know if she has any questions. Tell her to stay positive and to truly believe in plant based medicine. Good luck guys

She's been drinking chaga mushroom tea all along as well. The thing is we don't know if it is a cancer or just some benign tumours so we'd just be shooting in the dark with our attempts to fight an enemy we haven't identified yet. If the tumours are worse on her next scan then it's time to demand they use laparoscopy or something to get a proper biopsy so we know what's going on. She had to have an adrenal gland removed about 14 years ago as a tumour was found on one but was supposed to be benign. It wasn't until a couple years ago when she had pain and the liver tumours were discovered that we found out that the adrenal cancer was malignant. Our family doc left before her surgery so we never got notified of the results. Great service here in the north. :(

I have my own issues with the prostate. MRI shows it's enlarged but we knew that and there's a bit of a rough patch on it that the MRI nearest to me can't show clearly enough so the urologist wants me to drive 6 hours to the hospital in Edmonton to get a better scan and if it shows anything then a biopsy but I'm pulling the plug on that plan after reading a couple of very good books about the prostate. The Whole Life Prostate Book by Dr. H. Ballentine Carter and The Great Prostate Hoax by Dr. Richard J. Ablin who came up with the PSA test in 1970. Men in my age group, 60 - 69, are likely to have a positive cancer result from a biopsy 65 - 75% of the time which generally leads to having radical surgery that Dr. Ablin states have no better outcomes for longevity than just leaving it alone. 99% of prostate cancer is harmless and you'll die from something else before it ever becomes life threatening. The 1% are likely going to die no matter what you do so why end up with a limp dick and wear a diaper for the rest of your life for nothing. Really bad in the states where prostate removal is a multi-billion dollar business and totally just for the money leaving thousands of men crippled for nothing. They can't tell whether it's a slow growing cancer that will stay in the prostate or the aggressive kind type that spreads and kills you fast.

I'm just going to ask for another MRI 2 years from the last one and continue like that to keep an eye on it. Lots of holistic methods to manage my enlargement symptoms so other interventions are not needed at this point.

She's been drinking chaga mushroom tea all along as well. The thing is we don't know if it is a cancer or just some benign tumours so we'd just be shooting in the dark with our attempts to fight an enemy we haven't identified yet. If the tumours are worse on her next scan then it's time to demand they use laparoscopy or something to get a proper biopsy so we know what's going on. She had to have an adrenal gland removed about 14 years ago as a tumour was found on one but was supposed to be benign. It wasn't until a couple years ago when she had pain and the liver tumours were discovered that we found out that the adrenal cancer was malignant. Our family doc left before her surgery so we never got notified of the results. Great service here in the north. :(

I have my own issues with the prostate. MRI shows it's enlarged but we knew that and there's a bit of a rough patch on it that the MRI nearest to me can't show clearly enough so the urologist wants me to drive 6 hours to the hospital in Edmonton to get a better scan and if it shows anything then a biopsy but I'm pulling the plug on that plan after reading a couple of very good books about the prostate. The Whole Life Prostate Book by Dr. H. Ballentine Carter and The Great Prostate Hoax by Dr. Richard J. Ablin who came up with the PSA test in 1970. Men in my age group, 60 - 69, are likely to have a positive cancer result from a biopsy 65 - 75% of the time which generally leads to having radical surgery that Dr. Ablin states have no better outcomes for longevity than just leaving it alone. 99% of prostate cancer is harmless and you'll die from something else before it ever becomes life threatening. The 1% are likely going to die no matter what you do so why end up with a limp dick and wear a diaper for the rest of your life for nothing. Really bad in the states where prostate removal is a multi-billion dollar business and totally just for the money leaving thousands of men crippled for nothing. They can't tell whether it's a slow growing cancer that will stay in the prostate or the aggressive kind type that spreads and kills you fast.

I'm just going to ask for another MRI 2 years from the last one and continue like that to keep an eye on it. Lots of holistic methods to manage my enlargement symptoms so other interventions are not needed at this point.

Thank you for sharing mate, some new info there that is really interesting. I would take maintenance doses of RSO nightly if I was you just for prevention. :peace:
Fungi is the spice of life

I just got into micro-dosing about a month ago. Ate half a 3000mg mushroom chocolate bar New Years Eve and got blown away. Been over 40 years since I got wasted on 'shrooms. Only using about 15mg for my MDs or I get a bit messed up. Jury is still out whether it's helping or not.

I just joined the forum because I thought it was only fair to share my story of recently beating cancer using RSO(Rick Simpson Oil)
One year ago I was having a basic medical check up because I had passed 40 and never had one and during an ultrasound the doctors discovered 9 pretty solid tumours around my stomach and one in my sternum(about the size of a golf ball), I had no symptoms so you can imagine how surprised I was.
This was right at the start of covid so hospitals were the last place I wanted to be. I am not a resident where I live also so getting a biopsy and proper medical treatment was tough to say the least. The oncologist was almost certain it was non-hodgkins lymphoma as my father had that... Long story short I did a full 180 with my life stopped drinking, gave up meat and dairy, daily yoga, meditation etc etc and started daily on the RSO 3 x a day.. I am a daily smoker but damn it knocked me on my ass at first, 70% THC will do that I guess. I also incorporated some micro-dosing of psilocybin.
After about 10 months of self treatment I went to have more scans and to the doctors disbelief I was tumour free. So 2020 wasn't all bad! After recieving the good news I got engaged to the mother of my daughter and woman of my dreams which ended the year nicely:).
If anyone is dealing with cancer or has a family member affected please feel free to reach out.
I popped my first bag seed in 93' and have been around the 'plant'(I don't like the word industry) for almost 30 years in places such as New Zealand, Australia, Vancouver/Van island, Denmark, Amsterdam, NorCal/Trinity County, Spain, Morrocco and I now reside just south of Mexico and and a little north of Colombia;) So I look forward to chatting to my fellow growers.
I just harvested my outdoor girls on the 1st of Jan 2021 so we are off to a good start to the year so far.

Fatty aka Ian Terpie✌