Ian Terpie FattyRootsFarm
I just joined the forum because I thought it was only fair to share my story of recently beating cancer using RSO(Rick Simpson Oil)
One year ago I was having a basic medical check up because I had passed 40 and never had one and during an ultrasound the doctors discovered 9 pretty solid tumours around my stomach and one in my sternum(about the size of a golf ball), I had no symptoms so you can imagine how surprised I was.
This was right at the start of covid so hospitals were the last place I wanted to be. I am not a resident where I live also so getting a biopsy and proper medical treatment was tough to say the least. The oncologist was almost certain it was non-hodgkins lymphoma as my father had that... Long story short I did a full 180 with my life stopped drinking, gave up meat and dairy, daily yoga, meditation etc etc and started daily on the RSO 3 x a day.. I am a daily smoker but damn it knocked me on my ass at first, 70% THC will do that I guess. I also incorporated some micro-dosing of psilocybin.
After about 10 months of self treatment I went to have more scans and to the doctors disbelief I was tumour free. So 2020 wasn't all bad! After recieving the good news I got engaged to the mother of my daughter and woman of my dreams which ended the year nicely
If anyone is dealing with cancer or has a family member affected please feel free to reach out.
I popped my first bag seed in 93' and have been around the 'plant'(I don't like the word industry) for almost 30 years in places such as New Zealand, Australia, Vancouver/Van island, Denmark, Amsterdam, NorCal/Trinity County, Spain, Morrocco and I now reside just south of Mexico and and a little north of Colombia
So I look forward to chatting to my fellow growers.
I just harvested my outdoor girls on the 1st of Jan 2021 so we are off to a good start to the year so far.
Fatty aka Ian Terpie✌
I just joined the forum because I thought it was only fair to share my story of recently beating cancer using RSO(Rick Simpson Oil)
One year ago I was having a basic medical check up because I had passed 40 and never had one and during an ultrasound the doctors discovered 9 pretty solid tumours around my stomach and one in my sternum(about the size of a golf ball), I had no symptoms so you can imagine how surprised I was.
This was right at the start of covid so hospitals were the last place I wanted to be. I am not a resident where I live also so getting a biopsy and proper medical treatment was tough to say the least. The oncologist was almost certain it was non-hodgkins lymphoma as my father had that... Long story short I did a full 180 with my life stopped drinking, gave up meat and dairy, daily yoga, meditation etc etc and started daily on the RSO 3 x a day.. I am a daily smoker but damn it knocked me on my ass at first, 70% THC will do that I guess. I also incorporated some micro-dosing of psilocybin.
After about 10 months of self treatment I went to have more scans and to the doctors disbelief I was tumour free. So 2020 wasn't all bad! After recieving the good news I got engaged to the mother of my daughter and woman of my dreams which ended the year nicely

If anyone is dealing with cancer or has a family member affected please feel free to reach out.
I popped my first bag seed in 93' and have been around the 'plant'(I don't like the word industry) for almost 30 years in places such as New Zealand, Australia, Vancouver/Van island, Denmark, Amsterdam, NorCal/Trinity County, Spain, Morrocco and I now reside just south of Mexico and and a little north of Colombia

I just harvested my outdoor girls on the 1st of Jan 2021 so we are off to a good start to the year so far.
Fatty aka Ian Terpie✌