We have no idea why she thought what she did. They were after a person, she was after her imaginary phone. Completely different. What happens if bad cops show up is irrelevant. Hotel handled it wrong. The masses have been told “racist woman profiles black child and assaults him.” And they have spoken!! Dude it’s just so sad. No common sense to be had anywhere.
People make decisions based upon what has happened in the past. A lot of wisdom is gained from experience.
I'm guessing you didn't really open up the files and try to understand what I was saying. After all, landlords are a dismissive lot. You haven't listened one bit today.
Did you know that Asians are half as likely to be stopped and searched than white people?
Did you know that Black people are nearly twice as likely to be stopped and searched than white people?
And yet, the rates of police actually finding anything are about the same for all three groups. Asians less so but not by much.
The study shows that there is a problem with bias in this country. We may generalize those findings to judge SoHo Karen's motives. Common sense, after all.