What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
That was impressively written.
He had me at "bolus".

My ex and I would joke about having two children and naming them Bolus and Chyme. It is probably not a surprise after that Mrs. Miller thing the other day that I have a strange sense of humor.

When we used to have a very regular and frequent standing poker game before it succumbed to deaths, long distance moves and new wives, I would host. There were several reasons. I was childless and my wife is awesome and I had a centrally located and roomy space; but mostly it was because of my extensive record collection. It took a while but Mrs. Miller became a beloved staple. Cringing can be fun. Here was another fave.

It was an awesome poker game. I miss those guys.
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Well-Known Member
Trump's Every Tweet is an Admission of his Incompetence. Plus, the Case for Prosecuting Donald Trump

In recent days, Trump has been tweeting about how "the Justice Department and the FBI have done nothing . . . and should be ashamed", "the courts are bad", " the Supreme Court has been totally incompetent", and the like. Trump seems not to understand that his every criticism of the federal government is a direct admission that he has failed as a president, given that the federal agencies and the courts are a product of people he appointed. Trump excels at the Art of the Self-Own.

Also, If we decline to prosecute Donald Trump for his many crimes, he will endlessly prattle on that it represents a complete exoneration and vindication, proof-positive that he did not thing wrong. Declining to prosecute Trump will serve as the equivalent of endorsing his 2024 presidential candidacy.


Well-Known Member
Tell ya what, since they don't believe in democracy, they can fight her for leadership. The strongest shall prevail, that's how leadership devolves in such organizations, the scum floats to the top. So I suggest she make a public challenge to those pussies and that she bitch slap their leader with the gauntlet in a duel for supremacy! :lol: May the strong survive and lead!


Well-Known Member
I despise George Will. But he is a conservative, in the best sense, if that's possible. Now, he's a "never trumper."
I like George Will, sorta.
Well, about as much as I liked William F Buckley :)
I mostly don't agree with his political viewpoints, but he is articulate/thoughtful & sober, things that are sorely lacking in today's Republican party.
Alas, all too no avail :)
This is the face of New Republican/Conservative party.
Pretty funny, right?
Or is it pathetic?



Well-Known Member
I like George Will, sorta.
Well, about as much as I liked William F Buckley :)
I mostly don't agree with his political viewpoints, but he is articulate/thoughtful & sober, things that are sorely lacking in today's Republican party.
Alas, all too no avail :)
This is the face of New Republican/Conservative party.
Pretty funny, right?
Or is it pathetic?

View attachment 4783436
R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People


Well-Known Member
I like George Will, sorta.
Well, about as much as I liked William F Buckley :)
I mostly don't agree with his political viewpoints, but he is articulate/thoughtful & sober, things that are sorely lacking in today's Republican party.
Alas, all too no avail :)
This is the face of New Republican/Conservative party.
Pretty funny, right?
Or is it pathetic?

View attachment 4783436
Those people should try meditation to help them destress.


Well-Known Member
Biden: "Trump Blocking Transition; Hollowed Out Agencies." Time for Fireside Transparency Chats

In a statement to the nation, President-Elect Joe Biden said: "We've encountered roadblocks from the political leadership at the Department of Defense and the Office of Management and Budget" and "the truth is, many of the agencies that are critical to our security have incurred enormous damage, many have been hollowed out, in personnel, capacity and in moral." For the past four years, Donald Trump's operational priorities have been secrecy and self-enrichment. Our nation is now in desperate need of accountability and transparency. Joe Biden could bring back the fireside chat (made famous by Franklin Delano Roosevelt), delivering weekly transparency updates as a means to 1. help expose what Trump has done to the nation and its institutions over the past four years and 2. help rebuild the trust between the American people and the federal government. Here's how . . .


Well-Known Member
I like George Will, sorta.
Well, about as much as I liked William F Buckley :)
I mostly don't agree with his political viewpoints, but he is articulate/thoughtful & sober, things that are sorely lacking in today's Republican party.
Alas, all too no avail :)
This is the face of New Republican/Conservative party.
Pretty funny, right?
Or is it pathetic?

View attachment 4783436
Like so many else, he'll be "just another republican", after trump.