Aussie Growers Thread

Thanks again Reza i will get the regular stuff fisureand yeh it does make a good foliar but I need to step up my game... I read one of your post on foliar strength and routine with cal nit and took a screenshot for reference
No problem man. If you do end up grabbing a bad of the 2 part send me a pm. I might help you pay for it ;)
Sorry Reza I’m a bit dense which 2 part? Just a heads up I couldn’t organise a piss up at a brewery lol

It’s their newest formula, it’s the same as the 1 part but with the calcium nitrate separated so it’s easier to control n in flower. They still sell a 1 part but this is better imo. If you get this I’ll do you a trade so we can both try out the other version.

It’s their newest formula, it’s the same as the 1 part but with the calcium nitrate separated so it’s easier to control n in flower. They still sell a 1 part but this is better imo. If you get this I’ll do you a trade so we can both try out the other version.
Oh right thanks for heads up. So I just get part a and buy the cal nit locally yeh? Yeh I would be keen to do that Reza
1) Sulfur def or maybe start of calcium def

2) underwatering or way overwatering.

So it got some wood ash for calcium and a couple of doses of Epsom salts for sulphur - both help with magnesium.

Thanks reza92 for your accurate diagnosis. The girl is looking tip-top to my amateur eyes and she's clearly in pre-flower. The days are 14/10 of which she gets 7 hours direct sun. The 7 hours will maintain even as the days move to 12/12 in March. The sun rises sort of ESE mid summer and because of the building and tank on the southern side, the plant isn't fully in sun until 09.30. But by March, the sun will rise due east and then be on the plant by 08.30, only to then lose it earlier in the afternoon. She's now 85cm soil to tip and 1.2m wide.

How big is she likely to get? I'm thinking there's a bit of sativa in the mix.


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You & I both know the amount of effort/time that goes into brewing, let-alone trying to do it on a commercial scale.

Did you see anything in the photo's that says this is a viable & well-thought-out commercial brewery? I didn't.

It looks like an up-scaled homebrewing setup with little in the way of environmental controls for all the bits that make the difference when it comes to commercial quality. You KNOW what I'm saying here.....

Yeah, the owners probably thought it was their ticket to retirement, but I'm not seeing it, TBH.

That brewer, Seven Sheds, is the godfather of craft beer in Tasmania. He was the first to do it here on a commercial scale. He brews by far the best beer in Tassie. He had little interest in growing into a huge commercial success from the beginning despite selling out all his releases year after year. It was always just meant to be a self-sustaining hobby. He spawned/mentored Bruny Island Beer Co and another I can't remember (might be HBC or Fox Friday) . He always said he was never interested in getting any bigger despite having insane demand for his product here and interstate. All of the other brewers in this state acknowledge him as a legend of the local industry.

He started the Mountain Bike accom because he saw the growing market for it... and is old enough to retire. Willy is a smart bloke, albeit a little eccentric, and makes fucking incredible beer (try his SIPA or Mole Kriek). Dunno if I like the idea of mountain biking hipsters ripping up the place but it cure can't be any worse than the backwater redneck bogan fucks that live there in Railton currently
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Dunno if I like the idea of mountain biking AGING hipsters ripping up the place but it sure can't be any worse than the backwater redneck bogan fucks that live there in Railton currently

FTFY. I thing they're called MAMILs (middle aged men in lycra), or the crankier ones are RABILs (Retirement-age blokes in lycra).
Dunno if I like the idea of mountain biking AGING hipsters ripping up the place but it sure can't be any worse than the backwater redneck bogan fucks that live there in Railton currently

FTFY. I thing they're called MAMILs (middle aged men in lycra), or the crankier ones are RABILs (Retirement-age blokes in lycra).

Gross! Thanks for correcting me. Yes that sounds like even more of an eyesore
Just a wee question for the learned here. My girl is pre-flowering with pistils at every leaf node, even at the growing tips. We're currently getting slightly less than 14/10 now in these parts. On the 21/12 solstice it was 5 mins more than 14/10.
I happened to be chatting - as one does and was informed that at this latitude and with mostly Indica genetics a plant will go into full flower by the end of Jan with still 13/11 or more of daylight. 12/12 is the rule of thumb for inside plants vegged at 18/6. Is this what I should expect, we're midway between Coffs and Byron.P1000185.JPGP1000190.JPG
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