Should I get a generator just incase my power goes out?


Well-Known Member
I'm in an area where power can go out during heavy storms such as blizzards or lightning storms. It has happened before, and the only light source i had was a camping lantern and my windows, until my power went back on after a few days.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you need to be able to keep the air flowing, heat the room and run dehuey. Also hang a light bulb or cheap led fixture and set it on a timer to keep your light schedule, unless you got enough power from generator to run all your lights and everything else.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean gas or electric? All generators run on fuel of some sort. That is a nice quite little unit but for that price i would get something more like this.

Runs on propane or gas. That little generator will only run grow lights for a couple hours on a tank of gas. The bigger generators hold way more fuel and run way longer. Plus you can run your tv and shit.

Depending on your power needs for lights and possibly air conditioning there is a broad range of what would be "best for you"

Lots of options out there. Best to purchase them locally. Seems like the Generac brand are the best bang for the buck as far as quality and price go.


Well-Known Member
My first grow the power went out for a week in the middle of winter (were talking sub 0 temps). I was out there filling up my little generator every 2 hours. Ended up getting a big generac that can power the whole house no problem after that experience.


Well-Known Member
I have a 10-year-old Harbor Freight 3500w gas genny that I originally used at track days racing my motorcycles.
I now use it as an emergency power supply for the house when we get winter storms.
When we lose power, it's usually only for a day so it has enough capacity to run the basics as well as lighting for the house.
The real limitation for me is water, I don't have the ability to power my well pump so a couple of days would be a challenge.


Well-Known Member
If you have power outages regularly. And your little grow is the deciding factor to get a Genny.
Get a 6500watt and have a plug wired into your main panel.
Power the whole house. Running a genny to power a grow light while you sit in the dark is a little silly.


Well-Known Member
Lol, harber freight doesn't ask questions if you don't take the genny out the box.

I've bought three 4500watt. Took all three back. I had a Honda but only had to use it once for two hours. Being a $1000 machine. Home Depot looked like they wanted to call the cops when I took it back.

"Does it have fuel in it?". Oh yeah. Your website said to bring it.

" Our return policy is only 60 days". Bullshit, your corporate website says 90.

And I want my money in cash. The same kinda cash I used to buy it.

Home of De-Pot doesn't care for me. Its only a damn generator.