What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
It is the holidays, we are in the middle of a pandemic, and a attempted coup, all the trolling is really picking up, and since (I'm pretty sure he said he did anyways) he lives in Georgia, I am guessing he is getting hit especially hard.

It is inevitable that a lot of people will freak out for one reason or another.

Besides this and him being upset that I don't trust the reason behind the warrant against the data scientist in Florida, I am not sure what else is going on with his anger towards me, but it happens.
tbh i agree with most everything he says and 'like'..i'm probably on his ignore anyway..a shame to shut out voices in which you just disagree with..we're here to debate and if he won't debate me? it always goes back to fear and anger..other than posting, i don't know this person either.


Well-Known Member
Isn't that a messed up story. I can't believe the cop that told the guy next time he shouldn't sleep naked.
people are sick including cops and after that shit, they go home to their families- did you know they test out psychologically as criminal?
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Well-Known Member
people are sick including cops and after that they go home to their families- did you know they test out psychologically as criminal?
We really do do a shit job with mental health. It might just be that our societies are just getting to the point to realize this enough to actually start trying to do something about it.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what too say.
The fucking Republicans have been fucking around for 7 months & now this is their COVID-19 relief package.
$600 direct aid to individuals & a supplementary $300 addition to to unemployment insurance for a mere 11 weeks.
What the fuck!!!!!
That's it?
We are fucking Doomed.

As long as racism keeps you 320 million serfs serving 3 million lords. Next it will be Qanon that will become the most important issue in American politics and of course gun rights. Everything else is unimportant compared to the "unborn" and I expect it will be the rights of the "undead" who will become important one day. Of course the dastardly stolen election will be a big issue for millions in 2024. Unless you win the senate and they cut the fucks off at the knees by destroying their domestic disinformation networks. Even indicting them with mass murder or related charges pertaining to their covid coverage, they are as guilty as Trump, they ignored the experts too.

James the democrats are going to need to get very aggressive if you take the senate an all out push to destroy the disinformation networks and hate radio. You need to have more respect for your citizens than to let an open sewer flow into their homes and on their radios. If necessary your NATO and EU allies can ban facebook, twitter and even Youtube along with all other American social media platforms, we might have to do what you won't or can't.

Joes AG needs to bring back several thousand retired FBI agents to investigate every member of congress for corruption and go after everything. HR1 on steroids is just the beginning, make gerrymandering a federal crime and give the states one year to redistrict or indictments will be forth coming along with mandatory minimum sentences, the same goes with conspiracy to suppress the vote. They need to go all out on these fucks and exploit electoral wins fully, use the power if they are lucky enough to get it to defend and protect the constitution, by taking the constitution to it's very limits.


Well-Known Member
It is the holidays, we are in the middle of a pandemic, and a attempted coup, all the trolling is really picking up, and since (I'm pretty sure he said he did anyways) he lives in Georgia, I am guessing he is getting hit especially hard.

It is inevitable that a lot of people will freak out for one reason or another.

Besides this and him being upset that I don't trust the reason behind the warrant against the data scientist in Florida, I am not sure what else is going on with his anger towards me, but it happens.
maybe he doesn't like white people.


Well-Known Member
We really do do a shit job with mental health. It might just be that our societies are just getting to the point to realize this enough to actually start trying to do something about it.
ronnie raygun took mental health away and made cops the paramilitary multi-taskers that they are today.


Well-Known Member
He is a madman.

Trump vetoes massive defense bill despite overwhelming GOP support


Well-Known Member
Giuliani told to prepare for 'imminent' legal action from Dominion Voting Systems .... *insert laughter :bigjoint:

Attorneys Tom Clare and Megan Meier from Clare Lock LLP, a law firm that specializes in defamation cases, sent letters on Wednesday to President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and White House counsel Pat Cipollone warning them of "imminent" legal action on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems, CNN reports.

Giuliani and Cipollone were also reportedly told to preserve all documents related to Dominion, which has been at the heart of presidential election vote rigging conspiracy theories. The request was vast and reportedly includes records of communications between Trump and any White House employee with Rudy Giuliani, or attorneys Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis, and Lin Wood. Ellis and Giuliani have worked on the Trump campaign's longshot effort to overturn the presidential election results in an official capacity, while Powell and Wood have technically done so independently.

Separately on Wednesday, a Dominion executive filed a defamation lawsuit against the Trump campaign and several conservative media personalities and outlets. And CNN reported last week that the campaign's legal team was already instructing staffers to hold on to documents related to Dominion and Powell in anticipation of legal action.

There is no evidence to support the claims by Trump allies about Dominion, or any widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Read more at CNN.

Expect more liquid dripping from his sharpie hair coloring .....



Well-Known Member
Here in Canada we won the war on Christmas long ago and have reverted to heathenism.
So happy multicultural mid winter solstice! May your Yule log burn brightly! We celebrate the longer days ahead and the passing of the darkest day. So Season's Greetings, fuck that ethnocentric Merry Christmas bullshit! :lol:

I wonder how many desperate Trump supporters are saying, "I didn't think he would fuck ME before Christmas!". The normal folks aren't really surprised by this shit, perhaps shocked a bit, but not really surprised, Nancy expected it and was ready with the $2k offer.

Here is Donald's Christmas gift to America, the destruction of the republican senate, maybe.

For anybody left out there who thinks Donald is some kind of Machiavellian genius, I'll leave you with this thought. If Donald had got the $2,000 in covid relief to the people before the election, he could have won it. It's just one more way Donald fucked up and lost an election he could have easily won, even after fucking up on covid and openly trying to fuck up the mail in vote for months before the election. If he even came close, the republicans would have helped him steal the rest, but he was too stupid for that. Imagine if he had just a tiny bit more brains or the right kind of help, another 4 years of Trump would finish off America, as a world power, a prosperous country and a free one with the rule of law. If he had the senate at his back again it would be the end of America, unless the house started locking up assholes for ten year sentences by the hundreds or even thousands. Then it would be the end of the house majority.


Well-Known Member
Pezydint Chaos.

Some Christmas eve thoughts on America

Mitch timed his own suicide perfectly. Trump won't lose a vote over this shit, if the election were re run on Jan 20th the stupid cunts in the bread lines would still vote for him. There are probably millions of his hardcore base willing to kill to keep him in power too! There might even be enough morons in Georgia who will stay home, not because Trump is fucking them and the country, but because they believe the election was rigged and stolen from Donald. It's about the only hope you have now, the rift opened up between the King and the head of the house of Lords. The peasants can starve in the struggle for power and supremacy inside the GOP.

Mitch delayed this bill just long enough for Donald to fuck the country, he knows the calendar and he knows Trump, his majority was his to lose. Not to worry though, none of this should matter to the racist republican base, they only see in black and white. There might be enough Trumpers upset in Georgia to swing the balance of fate though. After Donald is gone the racists will be back to fight the war on Christmas and support Qanon. Mitch and the republicans will be there to pander to them while serving the super rich with more tax cuts, the solution to all problems. If they have to spend money, let it be for corporate welfare or useless excessive military spending. A billion per plane and a few million for cyber security, after all the Russians are their allies and it would be bad manners to deny them access to your computer systems.

Yep, the war on Christmas, Qanon, Jesus (again), the unborn and probably the undead soon enough, LBGQT in what bathrooms, SOCIALISM, GUNS, states rights, election reform, or anything else that can be made into an all consuming "important issue". The domestic disinformation network and hate radio will rewrite history for tens of millions of Americans. Then there will be the church of Cheeto Jesus and they will be an important group who must be pandered to as well and the appropriate noises made in the media for them. Any con at all will do, just as long as it involves "getting" the brown folks and triggering the libs.

Donald should run to the right of them and openly advocate "cleansing" America of all the brown folks and foreigners, deport them all, or set up "concentration camps" (death camps) for them". A true MAGA party that gets right to the core issue for the base and that would take Donald's base out of the republican party. How many could Donald gather to his new banner? 20% or maybe 40% of the republican base, there are 72 million of them and Donald could skim off a lot of cash from 20 or 30 million moral failures consumed by fear and hate. Dillion Roof (A popular Trump pardon there) could supply their slogan, "They are taking over!".

Sounds kinda wild and stupid doesn't it, but is it really that far from the truth? Anybody care to argue or discuss any of the above as being outside the realm of possibility, provided you don't win the senate. Win the senate and things could change of course, since we make the future happen or are a victim of it. Win the senate and sit on your hands while you await Trump #2 running on a Qanon platform feed by a domestic disinformation network. Don't go after domestic terrorists either, you don't need good people to run your elections, they won't volunteer for hundreds of death threats and their homes being fire bombed next election. It might be best not to offend the "rights" of some white good old boys having a "little fun".
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