Do you believe in God? Or...


  • believe in a God

    Votes: 16 44.4%
  • believe in Evoloution

    Votes: 22 61.1%
  • dont really care about ethier

    Votes: 5 13.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
why do people always put God and religion together??
i believe in God and Jesus Christ as my Holy Savior but iam not religious i just have faith....... cuz i think this evolution crap is nonsense.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I think there could be some higher power, whether one could call it "God" or not is unknowable at this time. I also believe that man created God in his image, not the other way around. Someone else already mentioned this, but the basic thought is- why do we have to explain the unknown with the supernatural? We cannot prove there is a God, and in fact the Gods that are worshiped today seem so implausible and such products of culture that it is almost laughable. There is usually some truth in stories and texts passed down by humans over time, but it is mixed in with a lot of convolution, it is difficult if not impossible to tease the real from the imagined. In light of this, I can't say that I believe in God, or that I even know what God is, and at the very least I am convinced that man's religions are not the truth. I'd like to believe there is some higher, binding power that is supernatural and beautiful, but I only speculate its possibility and hope for it..that life is not cold and meaningless...but my faith stops there.


Well-Known Member
I think there could be some higher power, whether one could call it "God" or not is unknowable at this time. I also believe that man created God in his image, not the other way around. Someone else already mentioned this, but the basic thought is- why do we have to explain the unknown with the supernatural? We cannot prove there is a God, and in fact the Gods that are worshiped today seem so implausible and such products of culture that it is almost laughable. There is usually some truth in stories and texts passed down by humans over time, but it is mixed in with a lot of convolution, it is difficult if not impossible to tease the real from the imagined. In light of this, I can't say that I believe in God, or that I even know what God is, and at the very least I am convinced that man's religions are not the truth. I'd like to believe there is some higher, binding power that is supernatural and beautiful, but I only speculate its possibility and hope for it..that life is not cold and meaningless...but my faith stops there.
Honestly explaining the supernatural is very simple... Think about it when was religion created? It was created in a time where for one most people couldnt even read (hense church) and two most people were so ignorant that they filled in all the blanks in their head with religion and the "idea" of an afterlife, giving if they do things "for good" in this life time that they will be rewarded in the next.

In order to understand something so outta this world you have to think about why we were notified about such details. The most plausable answer is the control the chaotic nature of us humans with fear of ruining our "afterlife" which would be for all eternity vs the little time spent here on earth.

Needless to say people still follow Religion today for these reasons, But with the apparent deconstruction of god and religion as we know it we have to wonder if society as a whole is prepared to accept the fate that one day, no matter how your journey was, YOU WILL DIE.

Life is a journey nothing more nothing less. You have to become educated enough to know what you want out of life and honeslty most people are far to ignorant today to have such faith in themselves without God. I think we are in a world of hurt unless somehow someway people understand that we need a figure like "god" to help guide us in life. Religion gives faith when everything else has giving up on you. If someone gives up faith in religion then what are they to do if they should ever get to that point in their life? chances are it will be very drastic or worse they will be forever without hope. Non of which helps society.

Religion is there to help maintain Society. Without it we are in a world of hurt becuase those with power will do nothing to stop from enslaving us without power (i.e wealth). Religion protects the poor in a world surrounded by greed. If you have nothing to offer the powerful what do they take? they take you. thats what history shows us and yes history will repeat itself


I refuse to believe there is an invisible being in the sky thats millions of years old and decides the course of existence, but never shows himself



Well-Known Member
I'm not offended at all, but your opinion is (how should I say), strange...

I don't see the logic there at all. I care very much, and I hope to find out someday, but this doesn't mean I have an answer.

So, let's say you contracted a disease. You don't know how you got said disease. So, because you don't know where the disease came from, you don't care you have it?
heres my logic:

Your currently ignorant to whether or not you believe in God or Evolution. By accepting your ignorance towards such a topic is to not care about it. simple as that.... Still just my opinion though

I hope one day you find out sir :hump: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Religion is there to help maintain Society. Without it we are in a world of hurt becuase those with power will do nothing to stop from enslaving us without power (i.e wealth). Religion protects the poor in a world surrounded by greed. If you have nothing to offer the powerful what do they take? they take you. thats what history shows us and yes history will repeat itself
You know I was agreeing with you for the most part except this.

Religion protects the poor? Aside from a very few pious prophets of G-D, I've never seen a poor clergyman, have you? Religion has evolved to just another man controlling ideology.
Enslaving has been done by religion for centuries, albeit in a clandestine manner.

For the most part religion gives us a basis for a moral and ethical existence. Unfortunately, it has been hijacked and polluted at the same time.

Just my opinion. I'm an ex religious kinda guy, more into believing in G-D than religion now. Peace.


Well-Known Member
I refuse to believe there is an invisible being in the sky thats millions of years old and decides the course of existence, but never shows himself

Youve obviously never read the bible and obviously must not have read my posts. Its not about believe in fairytales its about understanding the metaphor of religion and what it stands for. Its not about magic, its about a common sense of what society needs inorder to survive.

Ignorance cant be conquered but only by accepting it and knowing what to do about it. LEARN AND EXPAND YOUR MINDDDDDD


Youve obviously never read the bible and obviously must not have read my posts. Its not about believe in fairytales its about understanding the metaphor of religion and what it stands for. Its not about magic, its about a common sense of what society needs inorder to survive.

Ignorance cant be conquered but only by accepting it and knowing what to do about it. LEARN AND EXPAND YOUR MINDDDDDD
actually, before you go making assumptions, i was placed in a catholic grade school for six years of my life...and i was forced to read the bible

i still do not believe it, and your telling me im ignorant because i made a decision for myself to not take other peoples word for it?

i guess im ignorant cause i refuse to believe anything until it is PROVEN fact, and that it can be demonstrated

no sir, i am not ignorant, i have made a truly educated decision for myself on this subject, and just like religious zealots you attack me for my opinion


Well-Known Member
You know I was agreeing with you for the most part except this.

Religion protects the poor? Aside from a very few pious prophets of G-D, I've never seen a poor clergyman, have you? Religion has evolved to just another man controlling ideology.
Enslaving has been done by religion for centuries, albeit in a clandestine manner.

For the most part religion gives us a basis for a moral and ethical existence. Unfortunately, it has been hijacked and polluted at the same time.

Just my opinion. I'm an ex religious kinda guy, more into believing in G-D than religion now. Peace.
true even religion has flaws, but thats only becuase of church vs religion itself. I couldnt imagine being a monk or pastor... Of course there are goign to be some "bad apples" in the church and really over time it has evolved into just another organization to enslave the masses for what? for wealth.

Maybe we are doomed no matter which way we go. or perhaps if you look at it from a darwin point of view the strongest/most educated (wealthy) people will survive or.... I just had an epiphany: maybe the only way the strong will survive is in a state of complete dependance on ethier thier "group" or worse thier independence while in a time of total deconstruction, hense only the strong/intelligent will adapt. Which really is darwinism anyways...

Bottomline religion can be taught but it can only be taught to those who need guidance. Today it seems that people accept their fate and really just give up on a hope of a better life. Atleast thats what i see.


true even religion has flaws, but thats only becuase of church vs religion itself. I couldnt imagine being a monk or pastor... Of course there are goign to be some "bad apples" in the church and really over time it has evolved into just another organization to enslave the masses for what? for wealth.

Maybe we are doomed no matter which way we go. or perhaps if you look at it from a darwin point of view the strongest/most educated (wealthy) people will survive or.... I just had an epiphany: maybe the only way the strong will survive is in a state of complete dependance on ethier thier "group" or worse thier independence while in a time of total deconstruction, hense only the strong/intelligent will adapt. Which really is darwinism anyways...

Bottomline religion can be taught but it can only be taught to those who need guidance. Today it seems that people accept their fate and really just give up on a hope of a better life. Atleast thats what i see.
religion is not needed for a better life
though most of the world has it


Well-Known Member
actually, before you go making assumptions, i was placed in a catholic grade school for six years of my life...and i was forced to read the bible

i still do not believe it, and your telling me im ignorant because i made a decision for myself to not take other peoples word for it?

i guess im ignorant cause i refuse to believe anything until it is PROVEN fact, and that it can be demonstrated

no sir, i am not ignorant, i have made a truly educated decision for myself on this subject, and just like religious zealots you attack me for my opinion
From a psychological point of view it seems that you may have "inner demons" that prevent you from embracing the real truth. Maybe you really didnt enjoy the strict behavior of those who taught you religion or w.e but its made you who you are and im not judgeing you im sorry. To each their own :peace:

To add one thing: I was trying to describe why religion was created and why we need it as a society. You have to have a higher common sense of society to understand what im talking about. Its the same principle as voting. One Vote/Believer does make a difference


From a psychological point of view it seems that you may have "inner demons" that prevent you from embracing the real truth. Maybe you really didnt enjoy the strict behavior of those who taught you religion or w.e but its made you who you are and im not judgeing you im sorry. To each their own :peace:
here it goes again, never tell a religious person you dont believe in god,

because no matter what you say, they always think they alright, and that you are wrong

stop forcing your religion onto me

everyone has inner demons, but you can not call it the TRUTH, it may be YOUR truth, but it sure as hell isnt mine

im done arguing with you in circles, typical religious person....people are entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts, remember that next time you try and tell some one your right and they are wrong

you asked if i belived in god... i said no and i stated why, and you attacked me and said i was wrong and have not "embraced the truth" why dont you think about how rediculous you are being


Well-Known Member
here it goes again, never tell a religious person you dont believe in god,

because no matter what you say, they always think they alright, and that you are wrong

stop forcing your religion onto me

everyone has inner demons, but you can not call it the TRUTH, it may be YOUR truth, but it sure as hell isnt mine

im done arguing with you in circles, typical religious person....people are entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts, remember that next time you try and tell some one your right and they are wrong

you asked if i belived in god... i said no and i stated why, and you attacked me and said i was wrong and have not "embraced the truth" why dont you think about how rediculous you are being
im sorry im coming off negative towards you bro... If you would have read my posts you would know that i dont "believe" in God or a supernatural being, I only believe in the idea of God and religion. If you dont understand its cool

Lite one up and chill :peace:


im sorry im coming off negative towards you bro... If you would have read my posts you would know that i dont "believe" in God or a supernatural being, I only believe in the idea of God and religion. If you dont understand its cool

Lite one up and chill :peace:
you are more than welcome to your opinion

but telling other people there opinion is wrong because it is not yours is not a very kind thing to do my friend


Well-Known Member
you are more than welcome to your opinion

but telling other people there opinion is wrong because it is not yours is not a very kind thing to do my friend
i understand what your trying to say but apparently my point has fell upon deaf ears... Keep believing in nothing and see where it gets you thats all im going to say


Well-Known Member
this is exactly why i dont get into religious debate.... wars have been started over this...
I hear ya. Thats why i typically keep to myself with my ideas... I just thought maybe just maybe i could have an intelligent debate on my ideas without bias answers

....Lesson learned, Again.


i understand what your trying to say but apparently my point has fell upon deaf ears... Keep believing in nothing and see where it gets you thats all im going to say
it has gotten me quite far actually
and i believe in myself, that is not nothing