Do you believe in God? Or...


  • believe in a God

    Votes: 16 44.4%
  • believe in Evoloution

    Votes: 22 61.1%
  • dont really care about ethier

    Votes: 5 13.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So do you Believe there is a God?

Or Do you believe you were the spawn of an ape 5 million years ago which evolved into the current man?

i know religion is a touchy subject but fuck it man up and answer.


Well-Known Member
I believe in a Combination of both.

I believe that mother earth her self is God. I believe we have evolved over time because honestly we have. I mean just becuase there wasnt recorded evidence of time prior to 10,000 years ago doesnt mean we didnt exsist as homosapiens.

I also believe in the "Idea" of "god". Without faith we have nothing... enough said

I really do believe though that Mother Earth herself is our REAL God. If it wasnt for Earth we would not survive. I also feel that if we continue to scar Earth as we do without remorse that earth (god) will save her self by getting rid of what is killing her.... US.

Earth will always be here... The question is will we?


i dont get into religion much because it is such a conserversial subject for alot of people... but im drunk, so...... i believe in god... as laid out in the king james version of the bible.... argue away


Well-Known Member
I dont believe in a god. I believe in God. I still contemplate the whole Jesus thing like Im not quite sure about it but there has been way to many particular experiences I have had where the existence of God becomes evident to me.


Active Member
These "higher metaphysical forms" are just man's explanation for the inexplicable.
"Can't we just say the garden is beautiful...why do we have to say there are fairies at the bottom?" -unknown.

But when it comes down to it, if I can't explain it, I don't try to. That's it. I don't have to say god did it. It just is.

I would associate with the church of Deep Ecology.


Well-Known Member
i dont get into religion much because it is such a conserversial subject for alot of people... but im drunk, so...... i believe in god... as laid out in the king james version of the bible.... argue away
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: bongsmilie bongsmilie :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I believe in evolution based on that big arsed chain of islands called Galapagos, and the different, but similar species of animals spread across them.

If I was to believe in 'God' based on the teachings in the Book, then I'd also have to believe in Krsna and Mohammed with all of their associated teachings and eight headed monsters.

Evolution is so much easier to comprehend and understand. Religion is confusing and contradictory.



Active Member
"I believe in gawd." -Tenacious D (i

God is like a giant spaghetti monster, j/k +1 for evolution though.:mrgreen::mrgreen:


:mrgreen: :mrgreen: bongsmilie bongsmilie :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I believe in evolution based on that big arsed chain of islands called Galapagos, and the different, but similar species of animals spread across them.

If I was to believe in 'God' based on the teachings in the Book, then I'd also have to believe in Krsna and Mohammed with all of their associated teachings and eight headed monsters.

Evolution is so much easier to comprehend and understand. Religion is confusing and contradictory.


god made it.... it was done; what's so complicated about that??


Well-Known Member
Personally I feel "God" was created to give the ignorant a guide in life.

Think about it. Basically rich people created the bible or interpreted it for the masses. Rich people typically are more educated than poor people but there has always been atleast 90% more poor people than rich people. Rich people know that a happy consumer is a loyal one, so they refined religion into something that a majority of people could relate to, Christianity. Religion is a form of control IMO. But its far more effective than Government becuase Government tells you what to do while Religion gives you guidelines to live by and is ALOT more forgiving.

People dont like to assimilate the relation between Government and Religion. I believe Religion was created to spawn a "perfect" Government. Why do you think Gov't incorperates Religion? Becuase without it it is nothing but a system to enslave the masses. Sure you can believe in a Physical/Spiritual being "God" but really what controls your everyday life? Government. Religion is just the glue in which holds a Government together. Without it there would be no guideline to follow and people would run a muck and do what ever they could to survive, regardless of the consequence.

Example: someone selling crack. They dont care that they are ruining the lives of thousands, possibly millions of people... all they care about is the greed that fuels them... Money

It all boils down to money. With the birth of Christ came the birth organized Government. Organized gov't in return Fuels the greed of wealth. The greed of wealth Fuels the fire of Hell, which kills God and kills freedom...

The signs are all around us. The end has begun, it will not be sudden it will not be swift... We will rott in this hell we've created just like they orginally wrote in the bible.

God is a metaphor to me. "God" exsists in every single living thing on this earth. us as humans are just the smartest and most important. We can only survive as a whole if we stand together united not divided by our petty ways and differnces as humans. Christianity Taught us that but as the greed overwhelms our everyday lives we can only justify our behavior by our reactions.

So you have to ask yourself do you fight for Good? or do you fight for evil. Every step we take defines every breath we take. To qoute Limp Bisket "you gotta have faith!"


Well-Known Member
Personally I feel "God" was created to give the ignorant a guide in life.

Think about it. Basically rich people created the bible or interpreted it for the masses. Rich people typically are more educated than poor people but there has always been atleast 90% more poor people than rich people. Rich people know that a happy consumer is a loyal one, so they refined religion into something that a majority of people could relate to, Christianity. Religion is a form of control IMO. But its far more effective than Government becuase Government tells you what to do while Religion gives you guidelines to live by and is ALOT more forgiving.

People dont like to assimilate the relation between Government and Religion. I believe Religion was created to spawn a "perfect" Government. Why do you think Gov't incorperates Religion? Becuase without it it is nothing but a system to enslave the masses. Sure you can believe in a Physical/Spiritual being "God" but really what controls your everyday life? Government. Religion is just the glue in which holds a Government together. Without it there would be no guideline to follow and people would run a muck and do what ever they could to survive, regardless of the consequence.

Example: someone selling crack. They dont care that they are ruining the lives of thousands, possibly millions of people... all they care about is the greed that fuels them... Money

It all boils down to money. With the birth of Christ came the birth organized Government. Organized gov't in return Fuels the greed of wealth. The greed of wealth Fuels the fire of Hell, which kills God and kills freedom...

The signs are all around us. The end has begun, it will not be sudden it will not be swift... We will rott in this hell we've created just like they orginally wrote in the bible.

God is a metaphor to me. "God" exsists in every single living thing on this earth. us as humans are just the smartest and most important. We can only survive as a whole if we stand together united not divided by our petty ways and differnces as humans. Christianity Taught us that but as the greed overwhelms our everyday lives we can only justify our behavior by our reactions.

So you have to ask yourself do you fight for Good? or do you fight for evil. Every step we take defines every breath we take. To qoute Limp Bisket "you gotta have faith!"
After reading my post I would like to add that yes maybe the bible was created to help us down a guided path of a perfect loving society but in return the idea was stolen and alter'd to work towards building gov't's... makes you wonder why jesus really was killed. Maybe he really did create the bible and in return gave something to the masses that the rich and powerful didnt want the poor and powerless to know... THAT FREEDOM IS MEANT TO BE FREE AND DOESNT HAVE TO COME AT A PRICE


Well-Known Member
Not to offend you but IMO you saying i dont know is the same as saying you dont care. Just my Opinion though

I'm not offended at all, but your opinion is (how should I say), strange...

I don't see the logic there at all. I care very much, and I hope to find out someday, but this doesn't mean I have an answer.

So, let's say you contracted a disease. You don't know how you got said disease. So, because you don't know where the disease came from, you don't care you have it?


Well-Known Member
I think fossil records and geological data have proven all the religions to be false and just a crutch to get the masses through their miserable lives as servants to the elite.

We actually evolved from amoeba not apes, they were just another branch in the family tree.:peace: