Never buy Government weed.

M'well, can you explain us why USA didn't actually sign the Geneva Opium Convention of February 1925? I can, but only since relatively recently. Nonetheless it's obvious at least to me we ain't having very different perceptions on politics that instrumentalize cannabis and its consumers, while it's also important to keep in mind this is still a forum thread dedicated to "Canadian Patients"...

So welcome to the land of cap'tain Itnoc:


In The Name Of Children!
No... I'm sorry...I cannot explain. I'm not into opium much.
Anyone else read about tilray and aphria merging?
Thanks Redi
Might be a sign that they feel surviving alone might not work. Hope so anyway. Even if they grew the best weed known to man I wouldn't touch it. I don't buy from folks who like to put their knee on your neck to do it. It's basically government authorized, were not sorry, just greedy weed.
It's almost like buying your furniture back from the burglar who stole it in the first place. Sorta. Or licking the boots of the bully who kicked and punched you all thru your school years
I didnt pay much attention to the details but they did say the merger would make the largest producer in the Honestly, I think anyone who still has shares in any of these LP's has more money than brains.
So you do not advise taking a short position next week on APHA 7.60?

You can't lose what you don't put in the middle. But you can't win much either.
Mike McDermott
So i was saying...

There's presently a piece of crucial "jurisprudence" on its way:

Armes et stupéfiants: importante opération policière dans le fief des «Bloods» (2020-Dec-9)

Essentially the article informs French-speaking Québekers that some report will get published soon, and i predict this is going to occur just in good time for this other related event, due to conclude in February:

L’emploi de la force durant les opérations policières au cœur des plaidoiries (2020-Dec-2)
« Le juge rendra au début du mois de février son verdict qui n’aura vraisemblablement pas seulement un impact pour M. Gilbert, mais aussi sur l’utilisation de la force lors des opérations policières partout au Québec et au Canada. »

So it seems the killing of a French-speaking immigrant Montréaler (over 8 oz not even his own!) may very well end up REDEFINING the cornerstone concept of "justified force" everywhere on this miserable land!

Pardon me if the intervention sounded trivial. As for boycotting lets be clear about this: in a democratic society based on law the obvious fact is it can be considered criminal to even invite other persons to comit any "offense" also subjected to law enforcement. Sorry about that, i swear it's not my doing... But anyway, in a country where denial of my fundamental rights made it possible for "medical" exceptions to home-grow their own supply of "legal" doses, euh... i'll just say it wouldn't cost you much to support the idea of cooperatives by and for the users themselves, as this would really serve everyone and not only the lucky few.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

P.S.: Remember my post when the witch hunt propagates to your own blessed neighborhood...
Mark Messier is sueing an Edmonton based LP for losing his 500k investment.
Trying to sell to a market that was thriving long before legalization. They waited wayy to long. Our sources and knowledge is beyond what these newbs are trying to replicate. We don't need em.
It certainly was not shit
Excuse my gf's hand but I would assume you think this is shit too?

View attachment 4780162View attachment 4780163
Both look good. Like to see those first hand.

Here's my analysis of pictures of weed. People really really really like to see pictures of weed and buds. Then they try to evaluate the intensity, buzz factor, smell, potency, likeability, tastyness, smokabilty, harshness, age, moisture level etc etc etc. AND THE BIG ONE......VALUE !!!!
Any of those and more factors from the picture. They want pictures in order to decide if they like a particular weed or not.....bottom line. I understand why...................BUT.......ummmm. And make a decision from this
I've told people it's like trying to buy and decide which carpet is best from a photo. If I showed you pictures of carpet could you tell which one is best or any of the above factors. No, you need to see them first hand to know. You need to see them, smell them, feel them. I've seen ugly weed that is really really nice. From a picture alone you'd probably not be interested. And on the other hand I've also seen superb looking buds that were only so so or worse.
My conjecture is that to judge weed by a picture is not really of much value.
No offense to anyone posting pictures. I like them too. Bud porn is great....just not worthy of evaluating a weed.
Hope my point is clear.
Trying to sell to a market that was thriving long before legalization. They waited wayy to long. Our sources and knowledge is beyond what these newbs are trying to replicate. We don't need em. seeing anyone loose money on legal weed. Now...who's next ?????
C'mon ...fuck over some more greed bag scum
Both look good. Like to see those first hand.

Here's my analysis of pictures of weed. People really really really like to see pictures of weed and buds. Then they try to evaluate the intensity, buzz factor, smell, potency, likeability, tastyness, smokabilty, harshness, age, moisture level etc etc etc. AND THE BIG ONE......VALUE !!!!
Any of those and more factors from the picture. They want pictures in order to decide if they like a particular weed or not.....bottom line. I understand why...................BUT.......ummmm. And make a decision from this
I've told people it's like trying to buy and decide which carpet is best from a photo. If I showed you pictures of carpet could you tell which one is best or any of the above factors. No, you need to see them first hand to know. You need to see them, smell them, feel them. I've seen ugly weed that is really really nice. From a picture alone you'd probably not be interested. And on the other hand I've also seen superb looking buds that were only so so or worse.
My conjecture is that to judge weed by a picture is not really of much value.
No offense to anyone posting pictures. I like them too. Bud porn is great....just not worthy of evaluating a weed.
Hope my point is clear.
Absolutely.. Could look great and smell like gym socks and taste like shit. I think you can still clearly see certain aspects of a bud tho. Such as resin production, bud structure and density etc..