Never buy Government weed.

IMO simply ask CORPIQ over the phone pretending you're a landlord and curious about your retro-active rights...
Ask a simple I don't live in La Belle Province, it wouldn't be good to misrepresent myself anyway. It's sadly ironic, that the reigning hash distribution province (4 decades running) doesn't allow private home growing of cannabis...strange indeed. Ontario always ran to Montreal they go... Cheers. I assume that the ACMPR is valid and available to ailing Quebecers?
Salutations Cannasaurus Rex,

...sadly ironic... ... ...strange indeed.

It may depend on the observer's perspective. For example, considering Québec's history of bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism going back to its Victorian-age Pharmacy Act (printed in 1890...) i figure our self-serving "elite" politicians only have to argue it's some cultural specificity... Actually just this afternoon i heard of "Bill 75", presented by minister of (in)justice Simon Jolin-Barrette:

Bill 75 - "An Act to improve justice accessibility and efficiency, in particular to address consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic"
« The bill allows the allotment of the proceeds of the sale of property seized in connection with an offence under the Cannabis Act between certain government departments, bodies and organizations. »

Briefly put this is civil asset forfeiture, a priority of François legault during this present CoViD world crisis... To keep a predatory sin industy well fed.

Why? Perhaps simply because they can and French-speaking "stoner$"/"droÿé$" got no alies so it's probably a win-win scenario for electoralists already preparing the next elections. I wonder, or it's one more knife in the back of an instrumentalized population, right in time for Christmass...

I assume that the ACMPR is valid and available to ailing Quebecers?

1st of all lets start a linguistic exception here as "Quebecers" sounds much like "Quebessers" ("Quebeçers"), not to mention we value the accent so i prefer Québekers as a trade-off for Québequer... As for a regime of exceptions based on artificial distorted divisions (which just don't have an equivalent when it comes to advertising alcohol on TV, while it has zero medical value for real, etc.), euh... Who wants to take such risk when it's obvious the "spe¢iali$ts"/"expert$" advising Québec's governement are so hysteric over "ADDICTION" all their notions of proportionality actually went down the drain! But yeah, i suppose there are individuals satisfied with such "favours", as long as they remain among the lucky ones.

Most regrettably in my province the choice is between fear of chronic mass-poisoning (with no PCP synergy studies...) -or- the fear of an armed bust (over "bio"...), during which intrusion any legally-vulnerable minors could as well end up being kidnapped, goods + money ceased (to pay for coffee machines if not snow vehicules and drones, of course...) and ultimately health safety once threatened by deadly force.

Thanks for accepting that some of us ain't as glad as national TV might happen to suggest on a 4-20!


E. G. We matter last on the canuck land of cap'tain Itnoc where "légaleezation" translates as Québec politicians still persecuting responsible adults besides plain elders, In The Name Of Children.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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Good, we may as well prefer to get rid of the redundant "c"... 8-)

Although i know there are guys who went "medical" with some border-line justification it's still no option i contemplate personally.

Relatively to "government departments, bodies and organizations" it sounds like the sin industry wants to come after us, armed with coerced "treatment" to "help" the "sick", eventually. Etc., etc... Because they can.

The bigots wish list was just too long to implement all at once i guess...
Fuck the pigs. Remember they are never your friends. They work for the enemy...
Remember............never expect more than an oink from a pig.
They work for the enemy...

Everyone who allowed Justin Trudeau to exploit linguistic & cultural differences for obscure agendas is a collaborator.

Personally i had no choice but to trash my democratic vote "strategically" (e.g. in vain, as always...) by supporting Thomas Mulcair who clearly ain't standing on my end of the political spectrum, yet himself sacrificed as a Québec icon nonetheless, just not "liberal" enough despite his impressive contribution in our provincial parliament i guess. Quite honestly it seems to me the NDP guys must have hoped the most contrasting image of his replacement Jagmeet Singh would buy them some more sympathy, thanks to the mass-mediatic confusion+turmoil boosting controversies fueled by racist intolerance widespread across the country. Hence it's no surprize to see today's TV news pretending to "educate" us about "black lives matter", aboriginals and systemic racism when in fact it's all revolving around a same law-enforcement issue - and a major one in the big way. Just never forget in April 2016 the LPC selfie-driven leader didn't find appropriate to react to the actual killing of an unarmed French-speaking Montréal-Nord immigrant over 8 oz collected from multiple pockets except his own, the spicy details being that Trudeau happened to show-off in Trois-Rivières around pyrrhotite victims (equally instrumentalized in retrospective)... Not to mention these days the SPVM-GTi guys are all too satisfied to comment publicly that this cannabis operation financed the sexual exploitation of children - welcome back to the Victorian age, when self-serving "elites" could easily mesmerize vulnerable/unsuspecting audiences and even earn decorations. More déjà vu.

Medical against criminal (now "legal" depending on who/where...), Federalist against Nationalist, English against French, Canada against Québec. This is all in Justin's toolbox, a legacy of his father. None of that was really new in 2015; in 2009 Justin Trudeau even voted WITH Harper's conservatives to impose mandatory prison sentences for a handful plants after negating the judges discretion and competance in their own court, as i vaguely recall...

Etc., etc.

The more stores they open the better. This will cause them all to have to split the pie into more slices. Each slice smaller and smaller.
Plus as folks see they are getting ripped off for quality and price they will keep going elsewhere.
It's like anything else, flood the market and nobody does well. In this case this is good as it will force the stores to fold...hopefully.
Not good enough, monopolies must die disapear (i change my wording not to risk being accused of terrorism...) and in my province the only "legal" solution would be cooperatives i presume.
Well, the original sin was to accept a most artificial "medical" vs "criminal" discriminatory system for self-serving purposes, followed by more lies in 2015 while hints of instrumentalization couldn't seem more obvious... Starting with the Liberal's failure to translate "incidental possession" correctly when communicating in French (which got corrected only a couple of years too late); actually Québekers can be just as "pure" as anyone else except around here the only possible "legal" redemption must come through such "medical" subterfuge and that's quite a capital sin to cooperate with bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists since at least Harper days i think. The result even translating as a multiplication of life-style alcohol adds vs shaming campaigns for "stoner$"/"droÿé$", and just recently multi-provincial liberalization of alcohol distribution now allowing restaurants to deliver liquors at our doorstep, as if efforts to keep bars open didn't hurt Public Health enough this summer!
Everyone who allowed Justin Trudeau to exploit linguistic & cultural differences for obscure agendas is a collaborator.

A comment worth repeating.

The stores will not do great. But the distributers will. In Ontario the OCS cannot lose, after all it is the Canadian way to have everything controlled by the few. Fuels, groceries, goods. It’s also the reason that everything costs so damned much in this country.
A comment worth repeating.

The stores will not do great. But the distributers will. In Ontario the OCS cannot lose, after all it is the Canadian way to have everything controlled by the few. Fuels, groceries, goods. It’s also the reason that everything costs so damned much in this country.
Ignoring the fact that it is a big country stretched out with a small population. Things are just as controlled by the few in other countries.
Cooperatives are owned by its members and they also exist to serve them. The SQdC? IMHO it was created as a negative image of the cooperative model, quite on the contrary: ZERO trade-off there!...

So it's not looking like Québec has been too accommodating so far; chronic long-term mass-poisoning (by savvy designer no-detection high-synergy PCP soups) ain't my idea of it anyway, especially when additional agressive SPVM-GTi operations still exploit cannabis as a pretext to actually pave the way for a non-culpability verdict in the case of Christian Gilbert, due to conclude just next February.
Aw, c'mon guys. Think harder!

Just hours ago i heard Québec's PM François Legault declaring on TVA's (French TV) news channel, during an interview with Pierre Bruneau as host, that there's NO "Systemic Racism" in our province. aHummm!...


Now, looking at some violent events as those of Montréal-North (located near Henri-Bourassa & Langelier), euh...


Once better informed about what happened, where, and why... Etc. Can't we at least minimally agree on 1 single point: the population of what's said to have been tagged as the "Bronx" by police (according to local written press...), m'well, IMHO these collectivities *ARE* indeed victims of systemic racism, quite on the contrary!!

My argumentation is that if we may assume with 100 % confidence that police was always rightful and worthy of "The Thin Blue Line" rhetoric, euh... aHummm... Well, i mean, in principle a vast majority of this whole population probably evaluates they're entitled to a same fair level of safety & protection as anyone else: which is what cops are paid for to begin with... But it looks a lot more as if this local population just got instrumentalized once again and far too long already...


So, quite evidently the hostilities should in principle have ended with the immigrant tenager killing of 2009; in a parc at night i think. But nearly 10 years later the same actors resurfaced and yet for even ~4 more years some ultra-conformist/rightist criterias of a dominant "elite" caused all sorts of distortions to occur within the coordinates of this "hot" perimeter, defined by the SPVM-GTi it appears...

Was the dead man really as bad as mass media described him? What would it sound like to interview his surviving relatives and friends?? We may never know but a fact remains, Montréal voters have their fundamental rights challenged - if not plain denied - just depending on geography!


Good luck convincing me that's pure coïncidence. Or pinch me!

The worse part of it being that it's not unreasonable to suspect that "the Bronx" was "spared" only to accumulate circumstancial "evidence" in support of the manslaughter cause i previously mentioned, which is still due to conclude in February i hope.


My conclusion imposes itself. One way or another, assuming the point ain't as much about Bony Jean-Pierre than it reflects a larger social reality, i get a most persistent impression that François Legault went colour-blind or something!!


The link meant to bridge all those various aspects of a same issue is this: on one side of the USA/Canada border(s) cannabis/THC can be expected to get de-scheduled while UN's recent comminiqué on CBD announced its opinion that it should be reclassified as some "novel food", hopefully as easy to purchase as tobaco cigarettes - not to mention alcohol presently sold in grocerie stores and even offered for comfy delivery right to our canuck doorsteps after provincial governments somehow decided to change the law! Almost as if such magic could usually occur in the blink of an eye...

Merry Christmass, appelez "Nez Rouge"!... :neutral:

Well, i like to predict such contrasting (and artificial...) socio-economic boundaries WILL generate tensions at the borders and possibly result in many more victims of the "War-on-Drugs" (which never really ended around here anyway), e.g. with Québekers instrumentalized once more by a multitude of predators, In The Name Of Children.
