What did you accomplish today?

I was four in January ‘66 when two snowstorms back-to-backed the DC area. I remember that once dad had shoveled the driveway, I could not see over the sides.
I remember Dad jumping out of the 2nd story of our AF row housing in northern Maine & digging us out with the neighbors. It was so deep - like 8/10ish feet at the end of winter.
There is some really cool sedimentary rock on Ft Irwin by Barstow. I have some in my fish tank. Layers of purple, orange and red. They crush it for roads.
I have the Roadcuts book for junior geologists. Sounds like a day trip on a nice day.
Supposed to be some killer fire agate out around there along with other agates. Would love to try sometime if I ever make it down that way again.
My Dad used to take us shooting into this mountain all the time near Barstow. If I knew there was some gemstones to be had around there back when he would take us I would have also had him take us gemstone hunting.
When I was a very young kid, dude busted out his tommy gun there. I’m pretty sure it was because of that beautiful day that i’ve been hooked on blowing shit up ever since.
Thankfully wifi is back on....Thought I was gonna have to use a hotspot to read the newspaper.

Passed out on the sofa til 2 am and woke up totally confused, after smoking hash :o

I am sore as can be but today should be easier than yesterday, and my buddy is gonna help as he has the day off. I feel bad for all the delivery drivers. It'll be days before most people are dug out from all this crap. Most stores were closed yesterday, parking lots untouched.

Wake & bake time, followed by a looooong hot shower...then more snow!