We had the same dumbfucks say they didn't want to drown in their car because of wearing a seatbelt.
Too ignorant to realize that commerce shuts down when the road is closed for body part collection.
What is the net worth and tax lose of 300000 souls? Where are the Capitalists??
Democide comes in many ways, sometimes it's direct thru bombs and bullets, sometimes it's by slow suffocation using "laws", regulations and executive decree and edicts.
See you in the gulags!
Nothing better than ignorance. There's your winning.
I think the days of puff, puff, pass have come to an end. At least for me they have. Even when this is behind us, I’m changing my policy on that.Yep, those of us who are smart enough to get the vaccination will be partying all right, but ...
don't pass the joint to an anti-vaxxer!
Sir, might I suggest some decaffeinated coffee ?
I think the days of puff, puff, pass have come to an end. At least for me they have. Even when this is behind us, I’m changing my policy on that.
I’ll roll a bunch of extra joints and hand them out rather than share one with anyone.
See, that's a good idea. You should chose what you will do.
Do you lick the adhesive on the joints you hand out?