Lockdowns work.

Different problem that is orders of magnitude more difficult than a viral vaccine, there is no one kind of cancer and even within breast cancer there are hundreds of variations and constant mutations as the disease progresses.

one can wish..if it's for the people fuck them.
The Ontario government fucked up the flu shot for fuck sakes. What do you think will happen with covid vaccines and rapid tests?

Would you take a vaccine if the vaccine maker were legally immune from any bad effects you might have ?

Would you want your 11 year old child being vaccinated without your knowledge and / or consent ?
There is no evidence of this or even a theoretical frame work it could fall into with mRNA vaccines, it is an unfounded fear. Sure they are exercising an abundance of caution, we are dealing with human lives, but we are no flying blind here, this is a well understood subject. There are more risks involved with other vaccine approaches using organisms like virus to do the job, but the m RNA vaccines are in another category. They didn't just develop this vaccine, or some of the others, that was done in the spring a mere weeks after the genome was obtained, animal studies preceded human trials, safety trials and clinical trials. The time frame was compressed, but professional standards were observed and followed, there would be more experts urging caution if there were known or suspected issues. What else is a mRNA strand going to code for other than what it was programmed to do, because that is what we are dealing with here, an analog to computer code, not a dead or weakened virus and not a gene inserted into an adenovirus genome. We are talking about a messenger RNA stand encapsulated and stabilized by a liposome (fat bubble), the MRNA is absorbed by muscle cells and they start producing spike proteins, the mRNA cannot cause cellular mutations or produce proteins that it wasn't programed for.
I just messaged a reserch scientest friend of mine who has been working on Covid test kits and Vaccine development. He has worked on Bird flu and a range of vaccines for humans and Animals.
I asked him if he would take the vaccine jab and this is his responce.

"Yeah, if it was offered... though, Im not sure Id get the one based on the monkey virus.....

It will be a while before it is offered to people like us though".

If a man who has been around this stuff all his adult life is unsure then I'm going to be unsure to. BTW im not sure which are based on the Monkey virus? I have asked though and hope to get a response soon.
Would you take a vaccine if the vaccine maker were legally immune from any bad effects you might have ?

Would you want your 11 year old child being vaccinated without your knowledge and / or consent ?
Children are not allowed to be Vaccinated, guessing thats a safty thing untill more is known.
Yes Pharma not wanting to be held liable for averse long term effects is a huge worry and a big red flag.

Thank You Britain and America for being our lab rats. The world appreciates it.
i'm seriously thinking of waiting a few versions. also, if they can rush this why not cancer?
Cause cancer is just a word we use to refer to over a hundred different diseases with often unknown causes. Several forms can be cured already, and because it’s second cause of death for humans (600K per year in just the US), it’s rushed as much as possible.

Rushed does not equal too hasty though. If covid vaccine development would be spread out over a decade or more, they’d do no more or less work than has been done now.

Besides that, sorry to break it to the anti-vaxxers, there will indirectly be mandatory vaccination in pretty much every country in the world, especially if you travel, have child in day care, want to go to large events, join on orgy, etc etc. It’ll be tested some more on the old and the weak anyway before it’s my turn. Which won’t be the case for probably another 6 months at least. UK starts this month. If they don’t turn into zombies before next summer, I’ll get vaccinated asap and party like it’s 2019. I’ll be hugging strangers all over the planet, drunk, high and sleep-deprived. Summer of Love, 2021 edition. :peace:
I just messaged a reserch scientest friend of mine who has been working on Covid test kits and Vaccine development. He has worked on Bird flu and a range of vaccines for humans and Animals.
I asked him if he would take the vaccine jab and this is his responce.

"Yeah, if it was offered... though, Im not sure Id get the one based on the monkey virus.....

It will be a while before it is offered to people like us though".

If a man who has been around this stuff all his adult life is unsure then I'm going to be unsure to. BTW im not sure which are based on the Monkey virus? I have asked though and hope to get a response soon.
There are over 200 vaccine candidates under development that take a variety of approaches, most people in the world will probably be vaccinated by an genetically modified adenovirus vaccine that produces the spike protein which the immune system recognizes. There are other viruses used in other projects including deactivated covid virus itself, I'm focused on the most likely half dozen most likely candidates and right now mRNA vaccines are at the top of the heap in terms of efficacy and safety. There is good reason to be skeptical of other vaccine candidates, but I personally make an exception for mRNA vaccines because of their precision and very limited effect.

Countries like mine (Canada) and yours can have our own fast low cost vaccine facilities in the future that can quickly produce vaccines for a future pandemic and perhaps even your future flu shot will be mRNA based. Identify the target, produce the mRNA in a sequencer and use biological means to reproduce vast quantities of it quickly, next package the mRNA strands in a standard stabilizing liposome like moderna's and your good to go for a wide variety of diseases, no eggs to grow virus in etc. It's the promise of mRNA vaccines that are the key thing about the technology, it's been used for awhile in cancer treatment, first time for a human vaccine. Another potential benefit, is once experience is gained with human and animal vaccines using mRNA, the approval time could be shorted and thus the response time to another pandemic. The number of employees and the size of the facility might make it possible for most industrialized countries to have their own vaccine facilities for a wide variety of diseases. mRNA strands for production can be developed anywhere and multiple strands can be used to do different jobs in one vaccine.
But evidently the" Oxford one avoids the child chain issues of the RNA vaccines so it has its place."

I have no idea what the chain issues and RNA is though.
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That Trudeau minority government will have some very fucking uncomfortable questions to answer by March and before that. Trudeau has a minority government and an inquiry will want to know why and who fucked up, under oath. If we don't have vaccine distribution by the end of January, I a liberal party member, will be ready to burn Justin at the stake on parliament hill in front of the peace fountain
Did the other party offer better alternatives at the time your PM was making decisions?

I don't get the sense that conservatives in Canada are all that bright.
Did the other party offer better alternatives at the time your PM was making decisions?

I don't get the sense that conservatives in Canada are all that bright.
They made all the right moves and covered all the bases with doses for each of the 10 top vaccine candidates and got inline with everybody else. You guys dumped a billion on Moderna for development, so you get to belly up to the bar for that one, though they will still spread it around, Pfizer apparently has raw materials supply logistical issues and cut their delivery estimates in half, but I figure that will change. As far as I know America has the most urgent need since Trump is killing you folks in such large numbers, it's simply staggering and heartbreaking. Our 51st state Alberta with a greed driven libertarian government is setting up field hospitals and cases are going through the roof in that red province. See, we have them too, red provinces with conservative governments, you can tell by the infection rate, business is more important than lives.

Here's some headlines from Canada
Alberta sees record high number of daily COVID-19 cases
Ottawa unveils vaccine distribution roadmap; Quebec nixes holiday gatherings plan
1 Hour Ago
1st vaccine could be delivered to distribution points by end of December
Manitoba premier wants extra doses of vaccine if Ottawa reserves portion for First Nations

Lack of raw materials blamed for slashed supply target of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine
Here is the Canadian hotspot so far Alberta with a population of 4.3 million, it doesn't hold a candle to many American states though. America has 100,000 hospitalized and that number is expected to double in the next week or two and there won't be beds or staff to meet the demand, so mortality rates should go up considerably to over 10%, if people can't even get oxygen treatment or steroids, many will simply die at home. For perspective Alberta has the about same positive rate (9.5%) as New Jersey, the worst state is Idaho: 49.8 percent positive.
In Alberta, the province is planning for the creation of field hospitals to treat hundreds of COVID-19 patients, while B.C. has introduced new restrictions on indoor group activities. Alberta announced 1,854 new cases and a positive-test rate of 9.5 per cent — both record highs.

Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the province's chief medical officer of health, told a Thursday afternoon news conference that she is particularly concerned about the spread of COVID-19 into rural areas. Among the 15 geographic areas with the highest active case rates in Alberta, one-third of them are outside Calgary and Edmonton.

"While infection rates in Edmonton and Calgary make up the majority of cases in the province, we are seeing increased spread in many rural communities," she said. "COVID-19 is not a Calgary problem or an Edmonton problem. This is a provincial problem within the context of a global problem."

Alberta health officials recently met to discuss a plan for two or more indoor field hospitals to treat 750 COVID-19 patients, with 375 beds each in Calgary and Edmonton for patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms, according to an internal government document obtained by CBC News.
Cause cancer is just a word we use to refer to over a hundred different diseases with often unknown causes. Several forms can be cured already, and because it’s second cause of death for humans (600K per year in just the US), it’s rushed as much as possible.

Rushed does not equal too hasty though. If covid vaccine development would be spread out over a decade or more, they’d do no more or less work than has been done now.

Besides that, sorry to break it to the anti-vaxxers, there will indirectly be mandatory vaccination in pretty much every country in the world, especially if you travel, have child in day care, want to go to large events, join on orgy, etc etc. It’ll be tested some more on the old and the weak anyway before it’s my turn. Which won’t be the case for probably another 6 months at least. UK starts this month. If they don’t turn into zombies before next summer, I’ll get vaccinated asap and party like it’s 2019. I’ll be hugging strangers all over the planet, drunk, high and sleep-deprived. Summer of Love, 2021 edition. :peace:

Yep, those of us who are smart enough to get the vaccination will be partying all right, but ...

don't pass the joint to an anti-vaxxer! :lol:

They made all the right moves and covered all the bases with doses for each of the 10 top vaccine candidates and got inline with everybody else. You guys dumped a billion on Moderna for development, so you get to belly up to the bar for that one, though they will still spread it around, Pfizer apparently has raw materials supply logistical issues and cut their delivery estimates in half, but I figure that will change. As far as I know America has the most urgent need since Trump is killing you folks in such large numbers, it's simply staggering and heartbreaking. Our 51st state Alberta with a greed driven libertarian government is setting up field hospitals and cases are going through the roof in that red province. See, we have them too, red provinces with conservative governments, you can tell by the infection rate, business is more important than lives.

Here's some headlines from Canada
Alberta sees record high number of daily COVID-19 cases
Ottawa unveils vaccine distribution roadmap; Quebec nixes holiday gatherings plan
1 Hour Ago
1st vaccine could be delivered to distribution points by end of December
Manitoba premier wants extra doses of vaccine if Ottawa reserves portion for First Nations

Lack of raw materials blamed for slashed supply target of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine
From what you said, it doesn't sound as if the party in power is doing anything to deserve criticism by people in the other party. They aren't offering anything better, it would seem. It's common for the other side to carp, that's what an opposition should do, but to be taken seriously, they also need to say how they can do it better.

Democrats have been carping. Yes indeed, we have been carping. But our Democratic leaders have also been promoting better plans and offering better solutions than Trump's plan. Trump's plan was based upon the idea that achieving herd immunity was the only action that needed to be taken.