Well-Known Member
Ya so a proper cure takes care of the chlorophyll. Once its cured to your liking you can take it to whatever rh you prefer for smoking. Flushing your plants isn't necessary, it's all in the cure.
2 things. 1) flushing exists, and it does indeed do something. Maybe people want the color change? According to the studies apparently flushing does nothing. I go with what ever science says. So it’s just colors. Anything else?
When I say brown and crispy I change my mind to brown and cured. You know when the leaves fall off the trees and there are leaves on the ground. Some are green, red, yellow, brown. And as the winter comes more, some stay green and just freeze. Some turn a perfect brown, maybe the leaf was in just the right place, warm and moist yet also dry and breezy.
3) I only want this because I want to know what its like, if it is better. Maybe it is or isn’t. Certain other things that are smoked are probably picked green and turned brown? The trick is to maintain all the trics in perfect condition, no losses to vaporization. And yet have the plant material just basically degraded to nothing. Cuz face it who wants to smoke plant material. It’s all about the dabs
New meathod, cure the budz in a high pressure atmosphere, to prevent vaporization.