What did you accomplish today?

The dude that had or has a mining supply outfit, right on your way down to Italian Bar(i’ve got some decent gold down there) showed us his nugget collection, holy shit! Anyways, he has/had a claim on Woods Creek and would get nuggets all the time.
Rob Gore or Rob Gorp? Some shit like that. Cool dude.
Never met him I don’t think. We had that pirate downtown in the prospector shop.
You can't use those on the creeks anymore, the state is worried about people stirring up mercury so they banned them. Doesn't really matter if you are using it on your property only.
Being the treehugging liberal that I am, I fucking hate that bullshit.
I wasn’t aware of it being because of mercury though. Thought it was from supposedly messing up the fishies.

fun fact. I lived in Almaden for many years. It’s where most of the mercury came from when processing the smashed up ore from all the stamp mills they had, and other forms of mining, in all the mother load. It’s all mostly in the bottom of suisun bay now. Yuck. Like allot of it.