What did you accomplish today?

You asked for it!

Trust me brother I have some really good pictures of some really good snaps.
That my friend is a rat. It's a baby still. You probably have more work to do. I think it's a roof rst but kinda hard to tell. Next, do you have pictures of it's poop?
Either way it's a rat. I wouldn't throw the trap away, it's a really good idea to reuse them. Rats can be territorial. It looks like you are using the big rat trap vs the smaller mouse trap, which is what you need for the mom that may still be around.
Keep the traps against the wall as the tend to follow lines and walls.

Peanut butter on all five. Didn't realize when our new electrical panel went in they left a hole where the old line came in.. Yesterday I plugged the hole but he's learned other ways to get in or else I locked him out. Blame myself for being a bird feeder.
I have parrots so I have to be consistent in baiting around my house.
(no, not that bating you pervs :lol:)
I have parrots so I have to be consistent in baiting around my house.
(no, not that bating you pervs :lol:)
Trust me brother I have some really good pictures of some really good snaps.
That my friend is a rat. It's a baby still. You probably have more work to do. I think it's a roof rst but kinda hard to tell. Next, do you have pictures of it's poop?
Either way it's a rat. I wouldn't throw the trap away, it's a really good idea to reuse them. Rats can be territorial. It looks like you are using the big rat trap vs the smaller mouse trap, which is what you need for the mom that may still be around.
Keep the traps against the wall as the tend to follow lines and walls.

That is a smaller mouse trap. Looked like I got lucky with it getting him on the nose, not the kindest kill but still a kill. Really hoping I don't have more, so far we haven't found any droppings in the house. Buying some spray insulation foam and plan to fill any and all gaps that I find.
I always used Victor traps, not no name brand, put the PB on with a Q-tip and twirl the fiber abound the bait pan so they have to tug on it to spring it, that gets the little ones. You can also polish the contacting surfaces with real fine sandpaper and makes them spring easier. I always put a bunch of traps out too, running the gauntlet, so to speak ;) You never have just one mouse/rat
I have some traps for outdoors glued to a brick, because a fox or skunk will come along and take the dead mouse, trap and all...and it may sounds gross, but I always feed the dead ones to the foxes...Figure the mice are clean killed and this way they aren't going to waste! I have to be vigilant in my shop/garage, and every once in a while one will get into the house. Part of country living I guess.

I just had the weirdest thing...Sitting here vaping and a hear a faint knock on my door....Oh shit the driveway alarm is unplugged. So I creep over to the window and peek out and see a hand waving, and they drive off. I go to the security camera...and see a woman leaving a bag on my doorstep. It was a delivery from WalMart. I ordered some candles yesterday and they delivered today by an unmarked courier....WTF, ummmm, seriously???