Feeding in coco help and advice please

I am not an expert in hempy , but there are good hempy topics in this rollitup.org . I started growing weed in just a year. I tried soil which is OK but rather slow, i tried DWC which is great at start but i had problems with root at later times as temperature here in my country is 86 F everyday. I started to move indoor as i had seen 3 drones flied over my roof in the last 10 months (i could not sleep in one of those 3 occasions) - you will be in a real deep shit if police caught you growing cannabis.

In my grow room indoor temperature is around 90 F due to heat from lights, so DWC is almost impossible, then i found about Hempy which is until now all my plants looking OK and Healthy. I will save my Air con until flowering time to reduce the cost of electricity. I want to try coco perlite soon to see if this method is good also, since coco coir is cheaper than perlite vermicule in my country.
I would love to get some really good genetics seed, but i have to wait until i can fly again to europe to get some seeds. Untill then i just plant unknown seeds and clone them and enjoying the growing experiences.

Most hempy growers are using coco and perlite hempys these days, no need to stop using hempys. ,
I also started with perlite/vermiculite and now use coco/perlite and very happy with it.
If useing Hempy and I can’t stress this enough do not water untill that bucket is boooooome dry or you will get root rot
I preach from experience
I was running 5ml per gal of 34% still ran into root rot in my defense it was a very hot season and I doubt my Rez in my buckets ever saw single day below 75°F three hour soak of 3% H2O2 to cure the root rot in one dose
I agree the point of coco is maximizing root zone in small containers roots can’t grow threw perlight so your loosing 30% root zone space right off the bat
I water 2.5ltrs every other day with ZERO run off. I quickly learnt that the run off EC and PH differed from the top and was almost a cunt to balance.

Then I thought DTW? Fuck that kids in Africa cant get water, why we chucking it on the floor in forms of run off.

Run off is a waste and really only have it's use for diagnostic purposes, even then it's very limited and pointless.

Little and often over having litres of run off.

Worst post ever.
Stale dead talking points been discussed and beat to death over and over.
Read more, lurk more.

Coco DTW is literally the simplest method to grow cannabis effieciently once you dial it in. You just fucked it up is all.
There is no waste once you harvest an increased yield. All that water the Africans can use produced you more bud.

And if you feel that bad about it you could ship it to Africa for them instead of virtue signalling.
Feed feed feed feed a week inbetween feedings long as ur not feeding too much ur good the lil bit of runn off out the bottom lets me know the roots got wet