Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I can't see your photo, as......well.... we know why....:roll:

I had a very quick sqizz at your reveg. project a couple of weeks ago, but not in detail & wondered if you'd gone a bit early on it. I can't tell.

I did something similar with the Wonder Woman & Green Crack. They were on 18/6 initially from early August, but then slowly took them down 1hr/week until they were on 15/9 before I put them outside last weekend. Something I reckon we both learned from @ganga gurl420. :hug:

I was a bit more conservative than you with this idea, but I reckon it's gonna be OK.

And...... now I can't even post photo's!!

Lord Acton was right..........
It will be sweet got ages to go.


Well-Known Member
It's not my "old ass" internet . I actually have NBN where I live. I can't even quote others' posts. It's deliberate.

"Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console." is a frequent pop-up.

I'll ride this out.... I've encountered worse....& for longer.....

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
It's not my "old ass" internet . I actually have NBN where I live. I can't even quote others' posts. It's deliberate.

"Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console." is a frequent pop-up.

I'll ride this out.... I've encountered worse....& for longer.....
i got NBN to, its shit and expensive. Unless ur fibre to the node its crap.


Well-Known Member
"I cannot post pics either, I cannot attach or copy a picture."

At least they can't transport us again.......

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
"I cannot post pics either, I cannot attach or copy a picture."

At least they can't transport us again.......
I dont recon. ive been posting allot today.

I love my old penal island. Amazing they sent the scum of England to the most beautiful little island in the world to live in. Silly poms.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Surely you've seen the documentary the king of kong? I reckon I saw that on channel 2 or sbs 10 years ago. They were the two donkey Kong world champs battling it out for supremacy
recently watched the netflix arcade one, first few episodes anyway. But no and i wouldt remember that. lol!! haha. You like ur games then?