What has Trump done to this country?

What the fuck are you talking about?
How can you connect that thought?
By the way, do you know what your name means?
Diatomaceous earth is an irritant, used to repel unwanted insects/pests usually.

You definitely live up to that defination, a fucking irritant.
I am capable of cognitive thought ... you should try it some time when you can get your head out of your ass.

I'm certainly irritating you... must be something to that.
I'm kinda hunger'n tonight, but this poor cunt seems pretty harmless, I'm suspecting schizophrenia, disordered thinking and negative symptoms, don't think he's seeing shit, but he might be hearing voices, most do...
Hey!! What's wrong with voices?? Sometimes I hear 'em sneakin' up behind me. The voices.........................sneakin' :eyesmoke:
I am capable of cognitive thought ... you should try it some time when you can get your head out of your ass.

I'm certainly irritating you... must be something to that.
Ok Jesus, you obviously have a hair up your ass about something or other, so why don't you take your time and write a few coherent paragraphs laying out your manifesto. We wait with baited breath for your revelations of divine wisdom.
You want too share a pipe?
10 minutes from now, light one & play this LOUD!!!! & we'll bond.
You into it?

Ahhh memories. Walking up the block to my HS with my buds. My friend Ronnie blasting this on his cassette player. Extra batteries filling his pockets cause we wasted 'em so fast. Guy selling acid on the corner. Some shit with a silver circle on white paper. Sometimes he had tiny microdot mesc instead. Everyone smoking pot on the neighborhood stairs. Another grp of 3 or 4 guys across from the HS smoking angel dust.

Same shit every day. Miss those days when there was nothing in my fucking way and if there was we knocked it right over.

Thanks for that Jim :blsmoke:
Ahhh memories. Walking up the block to my HS with my buds. My friend Ronnie blasting this on his cassette player. Extra batteries filling his pockets cause we wasted 'em so fast. Guy selling acid on the corner. Some shit with a silver circle on white paper. Sometimes he had tiny microdot mesc instead. Everyone smoking pot on the neighborhood stairs. Another grp of 3 or 4 guys across from the HS smoking angel dust.

Same shit every day. Miss those days when there was nothing in my fucking way and if there was we knocked it right over.

Thanks for that Jim :blsmoke:
Many have memories of misspent youth and being a garbage head, ah to be young and stupid again... Growing dope by gaslight from bag seeds, like some still do in the more backward places... ;)
Many have memories of misspent youth and being a garbage head, ah to be young and stupid again... Growing dope by gaslight from bag seeds, like some still do in the more backward places... ;)
I grew outside. Some fucking kid stole my first crop of 5 chocolate thai females I threw in some good soil I found down the RR tracks. The next year we set wire traps and caught the fucker. Was a fucking friend of ours. We gave him a beatin' and then we all got drunk together. Good times :eyesmoke:
Ahhh memories. Walking up the block to my HS with my buds. My friend Ronnie blasting this on his cassette player. Extra batteries filling his pockets cause we wasted 'em so fast. Guy selling acid on the corner. Some shit with a silver circle on white paper. Sometimes he had tiny microdot mesc instead. Everyone smoking pot on the neighborhood stairs. Another grp of 3 or 4 guys across from the HS smoking angel dust.

Same shit every day. Miss those days when there was nothing in my fucking way and if there was we knocked it right over.

Thanks for that Jim :blsmoke:
You want to hear a funny story?
In 1973 when I was in my junior grade at my high school ( Catholic) I handed out blotter acid to a bunch of friends & like 7 ate it (I warned them :) )
at the this Field Day event.
Anyway, this one guy ended up flipping & totally destroying the 2nd floor bathroom, like he ripped sinks off the walls/destroyed the stalls/broke the toilets.
Me and my buddy found him & calmed him down & all ended up fine (besides the school having to rebuild the bathroom :) )
Yea, the "Good old Days"
Fucking amazing we're still alive, right @V256.420 ?
You want to hear a funny story?
In 1973 when I was in my junior grade at my high school ( Catholic) I handed out blotter acid to a bunch of friends & like 7 ate it (I warned them :) )
at the this Field Day event.
Anyway, this one guy ended up flipping & totally destroying the 2nd floor bathroom, like he ripped sinks off the walls/destroyed the stalls/broke the toilets.
Me and my buddy found him & calmed him down & all ended up fine (besides the school having to rebuild the bathroom :) )
Yea, the "Good old Days"
Fucking amazing we're still alive, right @V256.420 ?
Imagine if they had cellphones with cameras back then? And ya could post shit online, where it would remain to this fucking day! Jesus!
Ok Jesus, you obviously have a hair up your ass about something or other, so why don't you take your time and write a few coherent paragraphs laying out your manifesto. We wait with baited breath for your revelations of divine wisdom.
You've done heard it... Jesus died because he stood up for taxation. The take away... taxation is evil and turns men's hearts against each other. I was born into taxation... that is how I know. I work every day to try and stay out of the Lord's infinite wisdom but at the rate we are going... it will be the end of America. Tons of taxes and very little freedom... yea for socialism!
You've done heard it... Jesus died because he stood up for taxation. The take away... taxation is evil and turns men's hearts against each other. I was born into taxation... that is how I know. I work every day to try and stay out of the Lord's infinite wisdom but at the rate we are going... it will be the end of America. Tons of taxes and very little freedom... yea for socialism!
Jesus was a socialist, believed in free healthcare for the poor and even gave shit away like bread and fishes. Greedy bastards don't like taxes or forming a sharing community with others and libertarianism is sinful. It was the money changers in the temple that got Jesus pissed, not taxes, he did say to give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Whose image is on a dollar bill?

It is as sinful to put words into the Lord's mouth, as it is to mock his crucifixion for your sins by saying he died for something as mundane as whining about taxes. Yer going to Hell son.
Many have memories of misspent youth
That depends how you look at life actually.
I grew up with paupers & went to school with the son's of millionaires (my father insisted that I go to Catholic schools)
Most of my fellow "Rich" friends lived with fucked up parents & pretended to be happy (you know what I'm talking about, right?)
My poor friends lived in a World of Shit anyway, so never pretended, we just got high.
I guess my point is that what is misspent youth?
The guy's that smoked pot & dropped acid, or the one's that never experienced that expansion & simply got drunk every chance they got stealing booze from their parents stash.
I really have no remorse for my actions (except for the times I got busted :) )
Oh well, too late now to worry about it, but I think I'll die with a smile on my face & that's really all that counts, right?

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It wasn't because he stood up for the people... he had been doing that for years... if you will not open your eyes to the truth the government will continue to take advantage of you and your laughable rights. You are a joke to them.
Clearly, you don't know the gospel. You are confused and I pity you. But, congratulations on surviving the abortion. Poor little feller.
That depends how you look at life actually.
I grew up with paupers & went to school with the son's of millionaires (my father insisted that I go to Catholic schools)
Most of my fellow "Rich" friends lived with fucked parents & pretended to be happy (you know what I'm talking about, right?)
My poor friends lived in a World of Shit anyway, so never pretended, we just got high.
I guess my point is that what is misspent youth?
The guy's that smoked pot & dropped acid, or the one's that never experienced that expansion & simply got drunk every chance they got stealing booze from their parents stash.
I really have no remorse for my actions (except for the times I got busted :) )
Oh well, too late now to worry about it, but I think I'll die with a smile on my face & that's really all that counts, right?
I too am among those with a "misspent youth" a 19th century term denoting moral turpitude and other such things the young get up to.

I grew up where I retired to, a small harbor town on an island at the end of the world, Cape Breton. My hometown had a catholic and normal school system, fur normal folks! Went to school with a broad spectrum of people and the gap between rich and poor wasn't so conspicuous or wide as it is now, but it is not as bad here as America. Most of my friends were Catholics and still are, life long friends, the best kind, though I have new friends since my return in 2012 upon retirement from a corporation on the freedom 55 plan, though I stayed a couple of extra years for shits and giggles.

Connections with guys who used to sail the great lake boats all summer connected us to all the same drugs and then some! Window pane, carrot top, green frog, speed, MDA, brick weed with seeds that tasted like shit... I used to grow and pick magic mushrooms, a pioneer in my area and locally famous among freakdom...
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