What has Trump done to this country?

Donald is a no nothing remember, didn't even read the PDB and never took an interest, he has a poor memory and mixes truth with lies unconsciously, useless as a source. If Vlad was running him personally as an agent, no wonder it ruined his health, imagine trying to instruct Donald in anything? Vlad would slam the phone down in frustration like everybody else, Donald does what he thinks might please Vlad and is given simple directives at best.

A supermax will take care of secrets and security, Donald has a large following of heavily armed terrorist supporters. No golf at club fed for Donald, 23/7 solitary in a rubber room with a walk along the wall as the high point of his day. He did it to himself, he always fucks himself in the end.

Crouched over a walker , pale , full droopy diaper , ill health , unkempt a la Harvey Weinstein.
Leave him the shoe laces tho.
Crouched over a walker , pale , full droopy diaper , ill health , unkempt a la Harvey Weinstein.
Leave him the shoe laces tho.
He is gonna break his gag order and the judge will send him to jail, he might appear in an orange jumpsuit with is makeup and hair undone. That is what will happen surer than shit, he will be arraigned for a plea in January of February and as soon as the judge lays eyes on him she will slap him with a gag order. I figure he's good for a week of being called America's biggest loser on TV before he erupts and they drag him away. Mitch will pray to the Devil that he is kept inside and muzzled, no one rides the wild elephant without Donald's say so and he will never give up control of the base. Donald will be a pain in the ass to Joe too, so Donald's fate is sealed.
Crouched over a walker , pale , full droopy diaper , ill health , unkempt a la Harvey Weinstein.
Leave him the shoe laces tho.
All those other people who went to a supermax like the Unabomber, spies and nut cases, ever hear about, or from them again? They go into a black hole, that's where Donald and perhaps a few other former government officials will go, the only way out is in a bag.
Trump won't have a POTUS to get him off like Stone did.

I think it was Brennan that I heard mention the security clearance thing.

this is a new solution i hadn't heard until today and it's brilliant- solves a lot of problems..changing the locks on the WH digitally..doubt the president even has a card and uses Secret Service or others to let him in the door. On 1/20/21, those Secret Service who protect the asshole cards will stop working as will all the other trumps, the cabinet and other connected to that administration.

when you have a tick you must get all the legs.
He is gonna break his gag order and the judge will send him to jail, he might appear in an orange jumpsuit with is makeup and hair undone. That is what will happen surer than shit, he will be arraigned for a plea in January of February and as soon as the judge lays eyes on him she will slap him with a gag order. I figure he's good for a week of being called America's biggest loser on TV before he erupts and they drag him away. Mitch will pray to the Devil that he is kept inside and muzzled, no one rides the wild elephant without Donald's say so and he will never give up control of the base. Donald will be a pain in the ass to Joe too, so Donald's fate is sealed.

but he's Dum-Dum Trump..thrower of oatmeal; smearer of poo..you think anyone is going to tell him what to do? surely Guiliani will have another presser at Four Seasons Total Landscaping to let us know we need to Stop the Steal and they're silencing Trump by allowing illegal votes to be counted.
but he's Dum-Dum Trump..thrower of oatmeal; smearer of poo..you think anyone is going to tell him what to do? surely Guiliani will have another presser at Four Seasons Total Landscaping to let us know we need to Stop the Steal and they're silencing Trump by allowing illegal votes to be counted.
Rudy is in even more shit than Donald and can be indicted for what is in the newspapers alone! The government will have a very strong case on Rudy and the only way he is gonna get out is in a bag, not the one he's in now constantly, but a plastic bag made for the task.
Crouched over a walker , pale , full droopy diaper , ill health , unkempt a la Harvey Weinstein.
Leave him the shoe laces tho.

he wouldn't know what to do with them..besides the Secret Service detail that's assigned to him is supposed to keep him alive.

do you think we can talk him into Bond app instead?
After Donald goes away to the supermax land of no return and no tweets, someone is gonna create a digital Donald online using the database of 30,000 lies, CGI and artificial intelligence, they won't need much intelligence and relatively simple code should do the job. Digital Donald will answer MAGAT and media questions and accept donations, he will comment on ongoing issues and randomly attack both democrats and republicans on twitter... (they will need to program in random spelling mistakes and have a novel word synthesizer module)
Rudy is in even more shit than Donald and can be indicted for what is in the newspapers alone! The government will have a very strong case on Rudy and the only way he is gonna get out is in a bag, not the one he's in now constantly, but a plastic bag made for the task.

the question is why hasn't he? how long do these people get Carte Blanche access to America? the wealthy can always afford attorneys but why isn't someone stopping him? this is national security shit and this proof positive there is no Deep State because if there was he would be gone and so would Donald.
the question is why hasn't he? how long do these people get Carte Blanche access to America?
Bill Barr and he is about to explain everything to Joe's people as part of the transition, same for access to that secret WH server. That could be dynamite before the Georgia election if some of it's contents got leaked or were simply announced by outraged future officials and copies given to congress. If it ain't top secret it should not be there and fuck Trump in his last weeks of office. If it helps win Georgia.... Donald is now their greatest weakness, threat and liability, he needs to STFU and go away, NOT! When Joe's people start accessing shit, so will congress!
Someone on Joe or Nancy's staff has already figured out a way to make Donald dance on the hot stove soon and toss him into Mitch's lap like a hot potato before the Georgia runoffs... They would be nuts not to, Mitch needs a good fucking and Donald is just the boy to do it with a knife sticking out of his back. Georgia certifies this election on Nov20th, recount or not.
Another Neck Beard getting dragged about his Ego in Chief Trump being a fucking Yuge Loser.

I can taste the tears ... lol.


Neighbor : “ WOO HOO .... Fuck Trump ! “
* Bangs pots and pans , 1 year old
shoots gun in air , grandma flashes
boobs .

Trump Supporter :
* Fetal position sobbing
Im surprised nobody has mentioned (that I had seen) how wobbly Trump was yesterday.

look at his legs you can see they're pitched; the counterweight to wearing high heels is that lumbering stance with his arms hanging down in front not at his sides then he allows his whole body to pitch forward but in this case the pitch ended at his legs and the rest of his body was in more normal stance which caused him to sway because he's not used to standing that way.