Specifically, what has trump done that could land him in prison?


Well-Known Member

There have been a lot of threads about Donald going to jail but I haven't seen the actual charges.

What does Trump want to pardon himself from?


Intimidating witnesses, and retaliating against wistleblowers.

Calling for the same protests and civil disobedience he complains about, in the event of his loss, while sitting as president. Been calling for a coup for weeks now

Profiting from foreign money while president

Tax evasion

Knowingly employing illegal immigrants at his businesses to boost profits

The deaths he has caused by lying to his people, even now, about covid 19.

Edit: almost forgot. Bribery, coercion, and fraud

There have been a lot of threads about Donald going to jail but I haven't seen the actual charges.

What does Trump want to pardon himself from?



One for sure is being 'Individual 1' in a election finance scheme with Cohen to pay off Trump's hookups so they wouldn't leak at the same time as his attempted rape confession on Access Hollywood.

Also wrongful firings to cover a crime is not a legal reason.

Mueller explains why a crime has not been charged against Trump, so he can't actually pardon himself I don't think yet.
Intimidating witnesses, and retaliating against wistleblowers.

Calling for the same protests and civil disobedience he complains about, in the event of his loss, while sitting as president. Been calling for a coup for weeks now

Profiting from foreign money while president

Tax evasion

Knowingly employing illegal immigrants at his businesses to boost profits

The deaths he has caused by lying to his people, even now, about covid 19.

Edit: almost forgot. Bribery, coercion, and fraud
And that’s just off the top of your head. :lol: :lol:
I have a feeling nothing actually happens in the end. There will be plenty of bluster on both sides, maybe even a court proceeding, where he retires as another millionaire former President.

This is what I see happening, I hope to see some prosecutorial honesty, but in the end nothing will happen to trump,

I found this (but didn't take a long time checking everything in it) might be a interesting starting point at finding the laws Trump broke:

Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 7.42.31 PM.png
Obstruction of Justice
The Brookings Institution Report: Presidential Obstruction of Justice: The Case of Donald J. Trump

The Brookings Institution Blog: Did President Trump Obstruct Justice?

After Comey Firing, Congress Must Stand Up to Trump, USA Today

The Criminal President?, The New York Times

Comey's Case for Obstruction of Justice, The New York Times

Trump Jr. Communicated with WikiLeaks during Campaign, The New York Times.


Obstruction of Justice Case Against Trump Only Scratches the Surface

Did President Trump Obstruct Justice?

Comey's Answers to the Right Questions Could Take Us into Impeachment Territory

Money Laundering

Comey's Testimony Today Could Turn Congressional Probes Toward Question of Obstruction, Virginian Pilot

ACSblog: The Reach of the Money Laundering Laws and the Curious Settlement Involving Prevezon Holdings

Campaign Finance
Did Donald Trump Jr. Break the Law? The New York Times

Issues Raised by Mueller Indictments

Manafort Indictment is Bad News for TrumpThe New York Times

ACSblog: Russian Indictment and Extradition – Daniel Goldman

ACSblog: Mueller Will Face Tough Choices If He Finds Trump Broke the Law – Dan Froomkin

Questions for the President

#TrumpUnderOath – Caroline Fredrickson

Tweets Pose Legal Risks

President Trump's Twitter Habit Puts Him Keystrokes Away From Breaking Laws, USA Today

I Helped Prosecute Watergate. Comey's Statement is Sufficient Evidence for an Obstruction of Justice Case, The Washington Post

Implications of SDNY U.S. Attorney Investigation of Michael Cohen

The FBI Raids on Trumps’ Attorney Are Bad News for President Trump – Eisen, Bookbinder, Shaw, Politico
This is what I see happening, I hope to see some prosecutorial honesty, but in the end nothing will happen to trump,

Maybe, lots of rich white guys have gotten off throughout history. But my educated guess would be if Trump is not POTUS in late January 2021, 12 Americans will be able to decide for themselves if Trump is guilty or not.
He's an ugly, self serving, lying racist piece of shit.

And if you can't jail him for that, you can certainly landslide him out of office for it.

After that if anyone has a case against him, I volunteer for jury duty. I can be as fair as Kavanaugh and Barrett. I guarantee it.
He won't be going to jail anytime soon. How's that for a prediction?
We will see, I think it would be scary to be Trump right now.

What is there to stop the Republicans from asking Nancy to impeach Trump on the Mueller report if the Democrats sweep the election?

Those dominoes could fall very fast once they drain the last ounce of usefulness from Trump. Because it is the career Republican politicians that I believe are the ones that are going to get away with their crimes that Trump is going to go down for.

Because he is a moronic prideful spoiled foolish wannabe gangster, that is at best a sad fictional mirage of a conman.

Who got caught.

Earlier that morning (of the above Trump speech):

Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 8.56.11 PM.png

In two days? Hmm.... What could have been happening on June 9th 2016 that Trump was thinking about?
Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 8.59.13 PM.png

Which seems 100% clear that what Trump did was a crime.

Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 8.59.52 PM.png
Everything under the sun... then he stole the sun and rubbed it all over his face.
Image result for orange paint in the face gif

oh yea.. the tax evasion is enough. He will either stay out of jail broke(Relinquish assets).. or he will rot in a box. Ordering Don Jr's favorite fruit roll-ups from the commissary.
This is what I see happening, I hope to see some prosecutorial honesty, but in the end nothing will happen to trump,

He will leave a supermax in a plastic bag, in court by the end of February at the latest for arraignment and muzzling by the judge, then jail for breaking the court order with in a week until his first trial, state or federal take yer pick. Individual #1 is already gone and he is looking at 3 x Cohen's sentence cause he was the ring leader, it's a documents case, but they also have several witnesses, Donald is looking at a decade for that alone. Trump will be charged with hundreds of criminal counts and thousands of law suits, he will not wriggle away, though he might die.

Besides, you don't mass 2nd degree murder a half million American citizens and get away with it