What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
im not one for politics but if i was voting it'd be for trump biden was talking about shtting the country down again again fuck that
Well with that spelling and punctuation so off point it’s no wonder.
Biden isn’t your enemy btw.. those squiggly red lines when you type and the damn COVID just might be tho. Lol good luck watching Trumps Trial after the election loss. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
This is where I fucking live, I travel this bridge regularly

If I was there at that moment, I'd be in the news for a fucking fact.
This is Democracy?
Then me beating the fuck out of someone that is blocking my right to travel in a safe way is my right apparently.
This is fucking unreal/insanity.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well with that spelling and punctuation so off point it’s no wonder.
Biden isn’t your enemy btw.. those squiggly red lines when you type and the damn COVID just might be tho. Lol good luck watching Trumps Trial after the election loss. bongsmilie
How dare fucking Biden try to save lives by taking decisive action against a virus that has no vaccine! :D


Well-Known Member
What a great version of an amazing song!
"People bowed and prayed before a neon God they made" - If ever there was a line from a song that was so apt for Trump(ers), I ain't heard one like this.
i like to think of it as profound..hope you had the sound up and am glad you enjoyed.


Well-Known Member
Some would have 2 million Americans die instead of wearing a fucking mask, American Exceptionalism. What a bunch of dumbfucks.
We have exactly the same problem here in the UK. It's partly responsible for Brexit which with Covid-19 is gonna fuck us up big time. People believing that we're somehow special and that normal rules don't apply to us.
The non-maskers have go their conspiracy theories too, that the govt is trying to take away our rights under cover of a killer pandemic. When a vaccine comes along many will refuse because the vaccine contains some chemical or other to control us, they'll say. It's so fucked up. People just need to listen to the medical experts and we'll get through this.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4731672

If you are not another in the long line of trolls resurrected into new old accounts, I would learn about the propaganda warfare that Trump is allowing to be conducted on our citizens.

Because you are wrong about what Biden has said time and again, and likely tricked (if you are an actual human being and not a troll) by Trump's troll army (foreign and/or domestic).
There you go caring again.