What if?

Peanut butter is free!! When there is a glut of peanuts the feds support the farmers by purchasing the surplus. If you go to a decent food pantry not only can you get number 10 cans of PB but also big blocks of cheese, margarine, dry milk and even canned pork. What a great country!
For sure. Can't wait to call them snowflakes

we're going to have to dedicate a thread..i have a feeling it's going to be massive.

we may have to stay inside while national guard or military drives them back under their rocks...a death or two of their leaders will end what they're planning.
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Dumb Fucks should know that today’s Republicans are the old Dixiecrats.
Today’s Republicans are the ones that love all their “Democrat” Confederate slavers.
Today’s assholes wouldn’t let Abraham Lincoln in the fucking party.
They diminish in numbers with each passing year, but the disinformation feed to morons seems to be an increasing issue. The local and family driven racism is diminishing I believe, the curse passed down from father to son. A kid watching TV and things like sesame street must be conflicted at some level, when they hear the old man ranting. Media is having more influence on kids than parents these days, kids spend more time with media and at school than with parents and peer values become important. This is why we need to regulate social media and control TV content more than we do now, garbage in garbage out. The truth is a basic human right too.
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30 years of Hate Radio, Limbaugh, Hannity and others, Fux News and worse, Newsmax, OAN, and racist Religious Right and countless conspiracies have an effect. Fundamentalist Protestant Preahers tell their people exactly how to vote and that they will go to hell if they vote for any Democrat.
Dumb Fucks should know that today’s Republicans are the old Dixiecrats.
Today’s Republicans are the ones that love all their “Democrat” Confederate slavers.
Today’s assholes wouldn’t let Abraham Lincoln in the fucking party.

Abe Lincoln described the Dem platform (slavery)as "you work, I eat".

And the Pub platform as "the hand that makes the corn has the right to put the corn in their own mouth".

How are those descriptions not still accurate right now?
What if someone put a bullet right between those disgusting cunt lips he has growing out of his neck ......... I can only hope. Sorry just watched 3.5 minutes of him in Pennsylvania and I’m a bit riled up :(.
So are millions of Americans Budley and it shows in the polls, enthusiasm for Donald ain't driving the early voting lines and turn out we are seeing, fear and anger do though.
Abe Lincoln described the Dem platform (slavery)as "you work, I eat".

And the Pub platform as "the hand that makes the corn has the right to put the corn in their own mouth".

How are those descriptions not still accurate right now?
Irrelevant bullshit
Irrelevant bullshit
The republicans have no platform, they only have the iron whim of a sociopathic moron with an IQ of 78. Right now Donald is claiming doctors are killing people for profit, two weeks after they saved his pink little ass. He's freezing, roasting and killing his fans with covid super spreader events, it's a mass suicide of MAGA morons, who are infecting their innocent families and communities.