What if?

What if the President valued the overall health of the country more than he cared about his own personal re-election?

As far as violating norms go: I passed a whole bunch of official Trump flags that have the tag line "Make the Liberals Cry Again". Now I am sure that this is not unique in American history, but I have never seen a political campaign that stresses pissing off the other side and holds it out as a reason to re-elect a candidate before. Nixon used divisive politics to get elected but it never went into the gutter officially like the Trump-cunts have.

But much, much more important than that is the way he has used the same tactic on Covid-19. Rather than actually tell his people about it and develop a strategy, he used it to divide us and continues to today. He criticizes Biden for wearing a mask asking his pig-like supporters if they have ever seen "a man that likes a mask as much"? Ha ha ha ha ha. And people continue to die. This shit isn't funny when it kills people but none of his supporters have the balls to say, "at long last, sir, have you left no sense of decency?"

No matter what the outcome of this election, it will take us 30 good years of economic and societal growth to recover from Trump.
What if an IQ over 65 was required to vote?

President Clinton would be handling the pandemic.
I really doubted if Hillary was going to do well as President but knew Trump would be a fucking disaster. But Hillary would have handled the Covid well. My chief complaint was that she would tend to be too much of a technocrat - but that is exactly what this crisis needed.
I really doubted if Hillary was going to do well as President but knew Trump would be a fucking disaster. But Hillary would have handled the Covid well. My chief complaint was that she would tend to be too much of a technocrat - but that is exactly what this crisis needed.
in an alternate universe right now, congressional republicans are holding endless hearings about the scandalous 400 people that died from covid under president clinton's watch
What if the President valued the overall health of the country more than he cared about his own personal re-election?

As far as violating norms go: I passed a whole bunch of official Trump flags that have the tag line "Make the Liberals Cry Again". Now I am sure that this is not unique in American history, but I have never seen a political campaign that stresses pissing off the other side and holds it out as a reason to re-elect a candidate before. Nixon used divisive politics to get elected but it never went into the gutter officially like the Trump-cunts have.

But much, much more important than that is the way he has used the same tactic on Covid-19. Rather than actually tell his people about it and develop a strategy, he used it to divide us and continues to today. He criticizes Biden for wearing a mask asking his pig-like supporters if they have ever seen "a man that likes a mask as much"? Ha ha ha ha ha. And people continue to die. This shit isn't funny when it kills people but none of his supporters have the balls to say, "at long last, sir, have you left no sense of decency?"

No matter what the outcome of this election, it will take us 30 good years of economic and societal growth to recover from Trump.

What if the President valued the overall health of the country more than he cared about his own personal re-election?

As far as violating norms go: I passed a whole bunch of official Trump flags that have the tag line "Make the Liberals Cry Again". Now I am sure that this is not unique in American history, but I have never seen a political campaign that stresses pissing off the other side and holds it out as a reason to re-elect a candidate before. Nixon used divisive politics to get elected but it never went into the gutter officially like the Trump-cunts have.

But much, much more important than that is the way he has used the same tactic on Covid-19. Rather than actually tell his people about it and develop a strategy, he used it to divide us and continues to today. He criticizes Biden for wearing a mask asking his pig-like supporters if they have ever seen "a man that likes a mask as much"? Ha ha ha ha ha. And people continue to die. This shit isn't funny when it kills people but none of his supporters have the balls to say, "at long last, sir, have you left no sense of decency?"

No matter what the outcome of this election, it will take us 30 good years of economic and societal growth to recover from Trump.

plus The Atlantic did the math and it didn't jive back on 12/19, someone's campaign would've pointed it out..had we not had a pandemic.
Do you reckon ya'll is capable of critical thinking
...cause i don't think you are based on your input to the politics section

Ooh ouch, way to refute the point that folks are already moving from blue to red states in record numbers. Good talk about the issues tiger!
I dont think you Dems should try that again, didn't go well last time.
Pre-civil rights era when every party was from one demographic? The Republicans running the Southern Strategy and conning the Evangelical, 2nd Amendment, and Racist movements, ended the ability to act like today's Democratic party is anything like the Republicans like to pretend it is.