What has Trump done to this country?

She sounds convincing?

the rats are jumping ship..why did she wait until the last week before the election? Fvck his NDA..i can't believe the sheep believe this holds any weight. Father forgive me?:lol:

why is she telling us? like we need to be convinced? maybe she should be on FOX and telling them.
The economist model is more optimistic @95% Biden and 5% Trump, they have a good track record too. That's pretty good probability for 5 days out, as the days decrease the probability will increase, but we are near at the limits of probability prophecy for now.

Right now, our model thinks Joe Biden is very likely to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college.
Chance of winning
the electoral college
Chance of winning
the most votes
Predicted range of electoral college votes (270 to win)

Joe Biden
around 19 in 20
or 95%
better than 19 in 20
or >99%

Donald Trump
around 1 in 20
or 5%
less than 1 in 20
or <1%
They lettin minors vote in Florida now?
No, it's Felons, but they've got to pay bullshit fines and I hope they help turf the GOP, the tens of thousands of Puerto Rician refugees in Florida will help balance out the Cuban American republicans.

It might be ironic, that the people Trump drove out of Puerto Rico with malicious mismanagement to Florida, might make the difference in him losing the state on election night and driving Trump from the White House to the big house.
No, it's Felons, but they've got to pay bullshit fines and I hope they help turf the GOP, the tens of thousands of Puerto Rician refugees in Florida will help balance out the Cuban American republicans.

It might be ironic, that the people Trump drove out of Puerto Rico with malicious mismanagement to Florida, might make the difference in him losing the state on election night and driving Trump from the White House to the big house.

Bloomberg paid those fines so they could vote last i heard.